During a flood and its aftermath, know how protect your personal health and safety. In winter and early spring, it is especially important to understand the health threats associated with exposure to cold weather and cold water.
Before the Storm
After the Storm
Floods in Cold Weather
- Staying Safe in Winter Weather Protect yourself from hypothermia and frostbite. When the power goes out, know what to do to stay safe and avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
- Risk of Hypothermia from Standing in Cold Floodwater
Standing in water which is cooler than 75 degrees F (24 degrees C) will remove body heat more rapidly than it can be replaced, resulting in hypothermia.
- Exposure to Bacteria Floodwaters may contain bacteria from human and animal wastes.
- Trench Foot (Immersion Foot) Protect yourself from this condition that can develop from standing in water.
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