"Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities, because it is the quality that guarantees all others"
Sir Winston S. Churchill



Family Assist






      If you are a deployed soldier, or know a deployed soldier, with ties to Central Oregon, please let us know.


**  Next pack-up date 1/10/2009 **

* 10:00 a.m. at Sage Insurance, 369 NE Revere Ave, Bend, OR (Map) *

*Next Board Meeting 12/2/08, 6:00 p.m. at Sage Insurance*

Items Needed / Donation Drop-off Sites

Mission Statement                    Please take a moment to sign our Guest Book 


Thank You From Afghanistan



I would like to say thank you for the care packages that I have received from Caring for Troops in the recent months. I have especially enjoyed items relating to Central Oregon as I am a 3rd generation native of the Bend area.


I am currently serving with a Marine Expeditionary Unit in Afghanistan. Surprisingly the climate is very similar to the High Desert, though a bit warmer. Here in Kandahar it is slightly cooler than out to the west in Garmsir where our Marines are operating. Honestly, I can tolerate this heat better than the humidity of the east coast.


Compared to past generations that have served in our military we are quite comfortable here at Lamdajar.   Most Marines have access to the internet, a gym, multiple chow halls and two different coffee shops on base. As for the Marines in Garmsir, they are doing a great job at what they do best and that is defeat the enemy.


The treats you have sent have been shared with many Marines and, of course, they wanted me to thank you all for your support and thoughtfulness. Please keep us in your prayers and thank you again for everything.






Here is a picture of an AH-1W Super Cobra's (that's what I fly) and UH-1N Huey's parked at FOB Bastion in Southern Afghanistan at sunrise.

Thanks Bend Trap Club...Reloading Calc

comes through........helping CFT to raise nearly $3000 at their July 4th Grand Opening Trap Shoot. (This one event will cover our shipping costs for approximately 6 months)          *****Please be patient while pictures load below*****

More Pictures here

Randy Newman, Always Remembered Never Forgotten

Return Poastcard from Randy Newman

Randy Newman Slide Show

Special Needs:  Our soldiers will greatly appreciate donations of specific items such as - DVD’s, bicycle gloves, AA batteries, jerky, wool gloves, hand warmers and, most importantly, letters of support.  There are multiple drop sites around Central Oregon.  Additional Details and Drop Sites

Pictures & Events






Higher quality recordings available on request.  (small production fee applies)

Unauthorized reproduction of these audio files is prohibited without the expressed consent of  Caring for Troops.

The U.S. Marine Corpse, General Mattis, & KBND are not affiliated with Caring for Troops.



President Bush addresses the troops at Fort Bragg.


Alert!  If you have a service, discount or would like to volunteer to help families of our deployed soldiers, please use this online form.


Thank you to Caring For Troops for the great package.     Rest Of Story  .....


"Home Front War Relief" Fund  Details


To support military members connected to Central Oregon who are deployed or stationed outside the United States.

We are pro-troop, war neutral, nonpartisan, non-profit organization supporting our troops during times of peace & war.

Again, we thank all of you for your help and more importantly our deployed troops thank you.  We regularly receive cards, letters and email of gratitude.  For some, this is their only connection to home. 

To donate by mail, click here.