Current Population Survey Redesign Bibliography

In January of 1994, the BLS redesigned the Current Population Survey (CPS). Eight years of planning and extensive research led up to this redesign, which also utilized computer assisted data collection methods.

This bibliography is a collection of research papers written by BLS and Census Bureau statisticians and behavioral scientists on all phases of the redesign of the CPS. For more information about the CPS, please visit the Current Population Survey page.

1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991


Title Author(s)
Use Of Administrative Records In The Bureau Of Labor Statistics' Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (ES-202) Program Farmer and Searson


Title Author(s)
Measurement Of Different Design Effects Butani, Cahoon, Fay, and Kostanich
Redesigning A Questionnaire For Computer-Assisted Data Collection: The Current Population Survey Experience Dippo, Polivka, Creighton, Kostanich, and Rothgeb
Effects of Methodological Change in the Current Population Survey Dippo, Polivka, and Kostanich
Logistic Regression Analysis of CPS Overlap Survey Split Panel Data Fisher
Effect of Design Differences Between the Parallel Survey and the New CPS Kostanich and Cahoon
Composite Weights for the Current Population Survey Lent, Miller, and Cantwell
The Spanish Translation Of The Redesigned Current Population Survey - Lessons Learned McKay
Touch-Tone Data Entry For Household Surveys: Research Findings And Possible Applications McKay
What Would the Unemployment Rate Have Been Had the Redesigned Current Population Survey Been in Place from September 1992 to December 1993? Miller
Comparisons Of Labor Force Estimates From The Parallel Survey And The CPS During 1993: Major Labor Force Estimates Polivka
Comparison of Nonparametric Methods With Parametric Methods for the CPS CATI/CAPI Mode Effects Analysis Thompson and Parmer
Mode Effects Analysis of Major Labor Force Estimates Thompson and Fisher
Predicting the National unemployment rate that the "old" CPS would have produced Tiller and Welch


Title Author(s)
Designing an Instrument For Computer-Assisted Data Collection in the Current Population Survey Dippo
Results From the Current Population Survey CATI Phase-In Project Shoemaker


Title Author(s)
Evaluating Interviewer Style for Collecting Industry and Occupation Information Cantor and Esposito
Methodologies for Evaluating Survey Questions: Some Lessons from the Redesign of the Current Population Survey Esposito, Rothgeb, Polivka, Hess, and Campanelli
The Use of Interviewer Debriefings to Identify Problematic Questions on Alternate Questionnaires Esposito and Hess
Cultural Factors Affecting Within Household Coverage and Proxy Reporting In Hispanic (Salvadoran) Households. A Pilot Study Sandra A. West, Diem-Tran Kratzke, and Shail Butani


Title Author(s)
Determining Which Questions Are Best: Methodologies for Evaluating Survey Questions Esposito, Campanelli, Rothgeb, & Polivka


Last Modified Date: February 10, 2009