NWRFC Water Supply Forecast

Monthly Briefing

Water is vital resource that affects many aspects of our lives, the health of our environment and the nation's economy. We use water directly in our households and industries, or indirectly through the products and services that we use, like irrigated crops, hydroelectric power, and river transportation. In addition to our needs sufficient water is needed to sustain a healthy aquatic ecosystem. As the population of the Pacific Northwest continues to grow water resources are becoming more fully utilized, making the region more vulnerable to water shortages during periods of abnormally dry weather. On the other end of the spectrum an excessively large snow pack can cause flooding during the spring melt. Forecasts of the amount of water expected to runoff from a basin provide resource managers and water users time to adjust their operations to better fit the expected runoff.

The NWRFC produces water supply forecasts for much of the Pacific Northwest and has received increasing interest in these products. To better meet the needs of our users, the NWRFC is conducting monthly water supply briefings during this water year. The briefings will present web pages that display current basin precipitation, snow and runoff conditions, as well as the latest climatological outlooks and water supply forecasts. There will be time available for questions following the presentation.

Water supply briefings are held on the working day immediately following the release of the monthly “Final” forecast. Please refer to the schedule for forecast release dates. The briefings are composed of two parts, a telephone conference call and a web-based presentation. The conference call can be accessed by dialing 1-888-324-8131 a few minutes prior to the 10:00 am start of the briefing and entering the access code of 61279. To view the web-based presentation, you will need to sign up prior to the briefing. You will need to re-register for each meeting. Click on REGISTER to sign up for the briefing. For those of you who are unable to view the web-based presentation on your computer, you can follow the presentation by clicking the web links listed below.

Briefing Date: May 8, 2009

Briefing Time: 10:00am Pacific Time

Briefing Part 1: Telephone Conference Call No.: 1-888-324-8131 Pass code: 61279

Briefing Part 2: Web-base Presentation Sign-up: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/616262969
Re-registration is required for each briefing.


Slide 1: NWRFC Water Supply Fcst Map
Slide 2: Previous Month's Seasonal Precipitation
Slide 3: Current Monthly Precipitation
Slide 4: Seasonal Precipitation
Slide 5: Monthly Temp Departure
Slide 6: Current Snow Conditions
Slide 7: FLKQ2 SWE
Slide 8: LVRM8 SWE
Slide 9: MOSO3 SWE
Slide 10: Current Runoff Conditions
Slide 11: CPC 30 Outlook
Slide 12: CPC 90 Day Outlook
Slide 13: Forecast Assumptions
Slide 14: GCDW1 Obs/Fcst Plot
Slide 15: GCDW1 Fcst Table
Slide 16: LGDW1 Obs/Fcst Plot
Slide 17: LGDW1 Fcst Table
Slide 18: TDAO3 Obs/Fcst Plot
Slide 19: TDAO3 Fcst Table
Slide 20: NWRFC Water Supply Web Page
Slide 21: Peak Flow