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All News releases related to the Pregnancy & Perinatology (PP) Branch
Your search for: All Related News Releases All Years returned the following 58 results:
10/29/08   Earlier Jaundice Treatment Decreases Brain Injury In Preemies
A study from a National Institutes of Health research network found that an early treatment to prevent severe newborn jaundice in extremely early preterm infants reduced the infants’ rate of brain injury, a serious complication of severe jaundice.
10/23/08   The National Institutes of Health and Jackson Medical Mall Launch Informative Health Series for Mississippians
The NIH/Jackson Medical Mall health information series will provide residents of the Jackson, Miss., area with informational presentations on diabetes, stroke/hypertension, asthma, and mental health. The health series will also include quarterly continuing medical education (CME) presentations for health care professionals.
10/22/08   2nd year anniversary of the collaboration between the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Jackson Medical Mall
Welcome, everyone. We are excited to be here to celebrate the 2nd year anniversary of the collaboration between the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Jackson Medical Mall. Two years ago, I was honored to kick off this wonderful partnership and the opening of the NIH Health Information Center. Today—several hundred thousand visitors later—I’m delighted to be here again, thanks to Dr. Shirley’s vision, to help with another ground-breaking step.
09/11/08   Public Comment: DRAFT Pregnancy and Perinatology (PP) Branch Report to Council
Each component of the NICHD reports its activities to the National Advisory Child Health and Human Development (NACHHD) Council, the federal advisory committee for the NICHD. The NACHHD Council follows all regulations set forth in the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
08/27/08   Common Treatment to Delay Labor Decreases Preterm Infants' Risk for Cerebral Palsy
Preterm infants born to mothers receiving intravenous magnesium sulfate—a common treatment to delay labor—are less likely to develop cerebral palsy than are preterm infants whose mothers do not receive it, report researchers in a large National Institutes of Health research network.
06/19/08   Surgeon General's Conference Outlines Agenda to Prevent Preterm Birth
Experts convened by the National Institutes of Health for the Office of the Surgeon General released an agenda today for activities in the public and private sectors to reduce the nation’s rate of preterm birth. The agenda calls for a national system to better understand the occurrence of preterm birth and a national education program to help women reduce their chances of giving birth prematurely.
04/16/08   NIH Study Reveals Factors That Influence Premature Infant Survival, Disability
Based on observations of more than 4,000 infants, researchers in an NIH newborn research network have identified several factors that influence an extremely low birth weight infant’s chances for survival and disability. The findings offer new information to physicians and families considering the most appropriate treatment options for this category of infants.
02/14/08   Novel Approach Strips Staph of Virulence
An international team of researchers supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has blocked staph infections in mice using a drug previously tested in clinical trials as a cholesterol-lowering agent. The novel approach, described in the February 14 online edition of "Science", could offer a new direction for therapies against a bacterium that's becoming increasingly resistant to antibiotics.
11/05/07   SIDS Risk Reduction Continuing Education Program Emphasizes Important Role of Nurses in Health Care
The National Institutes of Health has created a continuing education program designed to help nurses communicate the risk factors for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) to parents and child caregivers. Nurses are a key information resource for new parents and often spend the most time with families in the hospital following the birth of a child.
08/01/07   Progesterone Treatment Does Not Prevent Preterm Birth in Twin Pregnancy
Progesterone therapy does not reduce the chances of preterm birth in women pregnant with twins, reported researchers in a network sponsored by the National Institutes of Health.
05/23/07   Small Infants Have Greater Survival Rate in High Level Intensive Care Facilities
Very low birth weight infants are significantly more likely to survive when delivered in hospitals with high-level neonatal intensive care units that care for more than 100 such newborns annually than are those delivered in comparable facilities that provide care to fewer than 100 such children every year.
02/23/07   Experimental Vaccine Given During Pregnancy Reduces Stillbirths from Common Virus
Researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health have developed an experimental vaccine that reduces stillbirths among rodents born to mothers infected with cytomegalovirus (CMV)—a common virus that can also cause mental retardation and hearing loss in newborn children who were infected in early fetal life.
11/22/06   Technology for Monitoring Fetal Oxygen During Labor Offers No Apparent Benefit
A new technology for measuring blood oxygen levels of a baby during labor—expected to provide information useful for preventing birth complications—offers no apparent benefit, report researchers in a National Institutes of Health research network.
10/31/06   SIDS Infants Show Abnormalities In Brain Area Controlling Breathing, Heart Rate
Infants who die of sudden infant death syndrome have abnormalities in the brainstem, a part of the brain that helps control heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, temperature and arousal, report researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health.
10/30/06   Backgrounder: Searching For Those at Greatest Risk For SIDS
The current study appears in the November 1 Journal of the American Medical Association provides additional evidence that brainstem abnormalities may impair an infant's ability to sense high carbon dioxide and low oxygen levels.
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