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camera Remote Video Monitoring
Other Uses of Video Data

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timelapse transect [32k] Important processes contributing to coastal evolution occur in the narrow region where the water and land meet. Processes associated with the swash zone are not accessible to traditional measurement techniques and placement and maintainence of instruments in the shallow swash layer is difficult or impossible. By isolating one row of pixels in a video image of the longshore, a timelapse image of a transect perpendicular to the shore about 1 meter wide and 60 meters long can be composed.

timelapse runup [57k] This timelapse runup image shows the effect of a large wave on the transect.

timelapse transect [55k] This algorithm can also be applied to a transect parallel to the shore.

image calendar [75k] Continued monitoring by the Remote Video Monitoring station at Yaquina Head, Oregon made possible the creation of a calendar showing the varied sandbar configurations of the area of interest over the course of 1 year.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Center for Coastal Geology
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Address questions and comments about this page to: Trent Faust - Webmaster
Updated: 02 October, 2000 @ 11:06 AM (THF)