Pyrotechnics & Picnics Place Premium On Prevention 

Don’t Let the “Fire” in Fireworks Spoil Summer

Release Date: June 30, 2005
Release Number: R10-05-070

» 2005 Region X News Releases

SEATTLE, Wash. -- Weather forecasts are mixed in the Pacific Northwest for this year’s Fourth of July observances, but fair weather or foul, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) warn that careless handling of fireworks and outdoor grills can ruin parties and picnics – and entire summers. An estimated 23,200 fireworks fires in 2002 caused approximately $35 million in property loss and almost 60 percent of those fires occurred during the month of July around the Independence Day holiday, according to a USFA report released last week. According to Michael D. Brown, Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Emergency Preparedness and Response and head of FEMA, more than half of these injuries occur the first week in July.

"Parades and cookouts and fireworks are hallmarks of an American Independence Day,” Brown said. “But improper use of fireworks can turn a joyful celebration into a tragic one. Users should heed safety advice on packaging and follow the fireworks safety tips of FEMA’s U.S. Fire Administration and other groups to keep this holiday a safe and enjoyable one.”
“Fireworks account for a large number of preventable fires and injuries,” Brown said. “We’re not trying to take the fun out of Independence Day celebrations but parents must use extreme caution in assuring that children are properly supervised in the safe handling of legal fireworks. Fireworks should be used only with extreme caution. Older children should be closely supervised, and younger children should not be allowed to play with fireworks.”

FEMA Regional Director John Pennington couldn’t agree more. “Fireworks, open fires and barbecues can be very dangerous if not used properly,” said Pennington. “Before cooking out or lighting fireworks, review fire safety precautions with your family. The best way to enjoy fireworks is to visit public fireworks displays put on by trained professionals. Summertime should be a source for fun and happy memories, not regret and remorse.”

Thousands of serious fireworks-related incidents typically injure eyes, heads and hands each year– almost 70 percent of the 9,300 injuries were inflicted on victims between one and 24 years old and children under age 15 suffered 45 percent. Firecrackers, sparklers and bottle rockets are the leading contributors to these injuries.

FIREWORKS SAFETY TIPS from the FEMA and the U.S. Fire Administration:

If fireworks are legal where you live and you decide to set them off on your own, be sure to follow these important safety tips:

USFA, part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, serves the American public and the nation’s fire services through training, data collection and analysis, public fire education, and fire protection technology research. For more information, visit:

FEMA prepares the nation for all hazards and manages federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates mitigation activities, trains first responders, works with state and local emergency managers, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration. FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003.

Last Modified: Thursday, 30-Jun-2005 09:40:53