Blaine County Signs Off On Project Impact 

Unique Partnership to Tackle Unique Challenges

Release Date: May 19, 2000
Release Number: R10-00-43

» 2000 Region X News Releases

BOISE, Idaho -- On Friday, 26 May, 2000 FEMA Associate Director Mike Armstrong will join Blaine County Commissioner Mary Ann Mix, and a host of government, business, community and nonprofit agency leaders to formally sign the Blaine County Project Impact agreement at the River Run Lodge in Sun Valley. According to Commissioner Mix, the concept of taking action before disaster strikes was not a hard sell in Blaine County, but is certainly a welcome opportunity. "We already have a solid partnership in place with representation from north and south county fire emergency services, Blaine County Sheriff's office, and our airport, as well as local architectural and engineering firms. Project Impact provides a proven template for gaining additional participation from community stakeholders and leveraging available resources to make Blaine County a more disaster resistant community."

David L. de Courcy, FEMA Regional Director and a signatory at Friday's signing ceremony, agrees. "Project Impact is a national initiative designed to unite all levels of government in coalition with local business, industry and civic stakeholders to reduce community vulnerability to both natural and 'manmade' disasters," said de Courcy. "Blaine County has consistently demonstrated their commitment to providing for the safety and security of their citizens. This Memorandum of Agreement marks a commitment on the part of key community stakeholders to move on to the "next level" in terms of disaster mitigation and preparedness."

Last Modified: Tuesday, 18-Nov-2003 10:45:41