Governor Proclaims Amateur Radio Days 

Amateur Radio Operators Recognized

Release Date: June 22, 2000
Release Number: R10-00-57

» 2000 Region X News Releases

SALEM, Ore. -- Governor John A. Kitzhaber has proclaimed June 24-25, 2000 as Amateur Radio Days, recognizing the contributions of over 1000 Oregon members of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) and other amateur radio operators who provide emergency communications support when conventional systems are disrupted from natural disasters. According to Oregon Office of Emergency Management (OEM) director Myra Thompson Lee, observances include local participation in national demonstrations of their collective communication capabilities under simulated disaster circumstances.

"Oregon ham operators provide an essential safety net during times of infrastructure failure," said Lee. "These volunteers selflessly devote hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars worth of sophisticated equipment significant to assisting their fellow citizens in time of need."

Last Modified: Tuesday, 18-Nov-2003 10:04:10