Pacific NW Earthquake Hazards 

And What You Can Do About It

Release Date: December 4, 2000
Release Number: R10-00-99

» 2000 Region X News Releases

SEATTLE, Wash. -- Earthquakes happen, can happen here...and with new seismic faults being discovered with disheartening regularity, if you don't think you are ready...get ready! Today's FEMA Radio Network features FEMA Region 10 Earthquake Program Manager Chris Jonientz-Trisler discussing:

Recent findings on SEATTLE, Wash. Fault surface ruptures, and their significance for residents. I-5 Corridor vulnerability to seismic shock. What businesses can do to mitigate the worst effects of a disruptive quake. Prudent steps for homeowners to become more disaster resistant.

To access/record quotes, dial 1-800-323-5248. Canadian stations can call 1-202-646-4365.

Real Player Icon Listen as Chris Jonientz-Trisler talks about recent findings on SEATTLE, Wash. Fault surface ruptures -- 149 KB

Last Modified: Monday, 17-Nov-2003 12:59:46