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NIOSH Publication No. 2004-135:

Does It Really Work?

March 2004

Lady with checklist, construction worker, butcher shop, clipboard Lady with checklist, construction worker, butcher shop, clipboard Lady with checklist, construction worker, butcher shop, clipboard
Title - "Does It Really Work?" Title - "Does It Really Work?" Title - "Does It Really Work?"

Page Title - "Steps for Evaluating Change"
Your Location: Home >> Steps for Evaluating Change >> Collect Relevant Data

Step 1: Form a team

Evaluations are best done by a team. When forming a team, keep in mind that workers are often the best source of information about the workplace.

Wherever possible, the team should include people who are

  • affected by the safety and health change,
  • responsible for implementing and maintaining the change, and/or
  • involved in future decisions about changes.

The team should start by defining the problem as clearly as possible. The more specifically that the problem is defined, the better that a solution can be designed to fit, and the easier it is to test the solution. Brainstorm a solution for the problem and one or two ways to measure the effectiveness of the change. Using more than one way to measure the change will increase your confidence in the results.





Book cover - "Does It Really Work?"


Case Studies
>Steps for Evaluating Change
What Does It All Mean?

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For additional information, see "Does It Really Work" [DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2004–135]. Single copies are available free from the following:

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