FEMA Region I Holds Inaugural Advisory Council Conference 

Council to focus on emergency planning, preparedness and response

Release Date: October 9, 2007
Release Number: R1-07-033

image of audio symbol Audio: Region I Administrator Cleaves, Governors Rell and Lynch (5.0 MB)
image of text symbol   Transcript of Cleaves, Rell and Lynch comments
image of audio symbol Audio: Press Conference Q and A with Governors Rell and Lynch (7.5 MB)
image of text symbol   Transcript of Q and A session with Governors Rell and Lynch

New Hampshire Governor John Lynch speaks at a news conference and is joined by Connecticut Governor Jodi Rell and Region 1 Administrator Art Cleaves BOSTON, Mass. -- The Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) 21 member Regional Advisory Council conducted its inaugural meeting October 9 in Boston.

FEMA Region I Administrator and Chair of the Council, Arthur Cleaves, led the meeting which included Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell, New Hampshire Governor John H. Lynch, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick and Boston Mayor Thomas Menino.

"New England is unique in that most disasters affect the entire region so by having a regional perspective on emergency management, we can better prepare and respond to the next hurricane or a pandemic outbreak," said Cleaves.

The Council, which is made up of state, local and tribal representatives from all six New England states, serves to advise FEMA's Regional Administrator on all aspects of emergency management and disaster preparedness in New England.

In his opening remarks, Governor Patrick told the members, "We are looking forward to taking your best council on how we can be as best prepared in the Commonwealth."

The primary goal of the council is to improve communication and understanding among the various organizations involved in emergency management and response in New England.

"FEMA, working with us, will be instrumental in getting information out to people," noted Governor Lynch. "On a regional basis, we need to make sure that our response is coordinated and that our decision making is collaborative."

Some of the key points discussed included a GAP Analysis looking at the strengths and weaknesses of each state's emergency plans; evacuation plans and procedures throughout New England and situational awareness monitoring for instant notification to emergency management officials.

Governor Rell also highlighted the need to share critical information between states and in coordination with FEMA.

"I think this is a very valuable meeting," stated Governor Rell. "We've done some great planning in our state but then we need to bring that [information] back to FEMA so that we can coordinate with them when the time comes, in a better planned, more timely manner than we have in the past."

The members will continue to review preparedness, protection, response, recovery and mitigation programs and policies to identify weaknesses and recommend improvements. The duties of the council are solely advisory.

"I am so impressed by the members of the council and their dedication to emergency management," said Cleaves. "It was our goal to have a diverse group of leaders that could advise on emergency management in the region and we accomplished that."

The Regional Advisory Council will meet in full session at least two times a year; however, the chairperson will notify all members of any additional meetings when appropriate.

Members initially will serve staggered term lengths. One third will serve for one year, one third will serve for two years and one third will serve for three years. Eventually, all terms will be three years long.

FEMA coordinates the federal government's role in preparing for, preventing, mitigating the effects of, responding to, and recovering from all domestic disasters, whether natural or man-made, including acts of terror.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 07-Nov-2007 14:56:02