USGS Bureau of Land Management
Sagebrush steppe- Near Mono Lake California
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Joint Fire Science Program

A project funded by the Joint Fire Sciences Program

Effectiveness of Postfire Seeding to Reduce Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) Growth and Reproduction in Recently Burned Sagebrush Steppe

Great Basin Sagebrush Steppe

Sagebrush steppe community near Lee Vining California Type converted grassland near Winnemucca Nevada
Historic fire return intervals have been shown to vary in sagebrush communities.
All estimates of sagebrush recovery have been greater than 10 years.
This type-converted grassland has fire recurrence intervals of less than 10 years, which is not enough time for recovery of sagebrush vegetation.
The ecology and effects of invasive annual grasses have been studied extensively in this ecoregion, especially focusing on cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) and more recently including medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae). The invasion of cheatgrass is the best documented example of how annual grasses can cause major changes in natural fire regimes. Vast areas have been type-converted from semi-arid shrubland to invasive annual grassland, which is highly flammable and promotes recurrent fire. The wildfires of 1999 demonstrated the extreme threat that invasive annual grasses present to the protection of property and natural resources in this region. Although the threats are undisputable, land managers cannot reliably predict the conditions under which invasive annual grasses will dominate and manifest their negative effects nor do they have any reliable basis for comparing the relative effects of methods to control them.

Study Sites

This project includes 2 sites, both in Great Basin sagebrush steppe. One of these sites has been burned and one is scheduled to be burned in 2004.

Walker, California

Cannon Fire- A wildfire which burned 23,020 acres of private and public lands was ignited on June 15th 2002. The study site is located in an area just North of Walker, California.

Winnemucca, Nevada

This site is located approximately 10 miles east of Winnemucca, Nevada. The area is scheduled to be burned in the summer of 2004.


Contact: Webmaster
Last Modification: May 26, 2004