USGS Bureau of Land Management
Sagebrush steppe- Near Mono Lake California
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Joint Fire Science Program

A project funded by the Joint Fire Sciences Program

Effectiveness of Postfire Seeding to Reduce Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) Growth and Reproduction in Recently Burned Sagebrush Steppe

Cannon Fire

This is the area of the Cannon fire where the study sites are located. This photo was taken almost 1 year postfire.
Area of Cannon Fire North of Walker California 1 year postfire


Seed is put down in the fall 2002, 5 months postfire. A dozer disked the area both prior to and after seed is applied. Seed was spread evenly over the disked area by hand.
Area disked prior to and after seeding Area disked prior to and after seeding Area disked prior to and after seeding


Nutrient has been applied twice since the fire, once in May of 2003 and once in the fall of 2003.
Application of nutrient treatments Application of nutrient treatments




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Last Modification: May 26, 2004