NIOSH Mining Training Exercise

Roof Fall Entrapment: Eyewitness Account by Dave Garry

January 1992

See also: NIOSH mining products
Type: Training Video
Audience: Underground miners and new miners
Length: 15 minutes
Skills Reviewed: Emergency first response

Roof Fall Entrapment 1Dave, a miner helper, tells about witnessing a roof fall that covered the continuous mining machine. He discusses efforts that were made inby supports to rescue the trapped, but unharmed operator and recognizes that danger could have been minimized by installing temporary supports before continuing rescue.

The video would be beneficial for use with anyone who works underground. It would be particularly useful for training new miners. The instructor's guide contains suggestions to help you use the tape as part of an effective training session.

To order the video tape contact MSHA (, (

Materials needed:
Instructor Copy
Page last updated: September 17, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division