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Homestead National Monument of America1800s farmer plowing a field with an 8 horse team.
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Homestead National Monument of America
Real Life Science Experiments
Students do lab work
Homestead NM
Students do lab work
Collecting data on the prairie
Homestead NM
Collecting data on the prairie

Learn Real-World Science

The restored tallgrass prairie and Cub Creek are living laboratories in which students conduct real-world science experiments. The results help rangers make more informed management decisions.

Collecting water samples
Homestead NM
Collecting water samples
Students gather water samples and then perform experiments in the lab to evaluate water quality in Cub Creek. Volunteers collect seed from native plants that will be used to restore prairies elsewhere in Nebraska.
Collecting Water Samples
Volunteers Collect Samples
Volunteers help with the Cub Creek Water Quality Project
Students collecting Macro-Invertebrates
See what they learned
Chemistry of Water
Water Sample Chemistry
Laboratory analysis by students
Other Properties & Flow Rate
Students Check Creek
Flow rate & other qualities
Demonstrating candlemeking  

Did You Know?
Volunteers give over 10,000 hours of service to Homestead National Monument of America each year. If you would like to join, contact Susan Cook at 402-223-3514. -- Homestead National Monument of America

Last Updated: January 06, 2008 at 11:19 EST