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Sexual Assault Response Teams: Partnering for Success Video Preview Transcript

[Opening: The title, SART: Partnering for Success, is displayed to the right of a portrait of an African-American woman.]

Female voiceover: Right from the beginning I had a whole team of people, you know, pulling for me and telling me that they were gonna take care of this.

[Montage of a male police officer; nurse practitioner; victim justice center; doctor examining forensic evidence; and a man and woman standing with arms crossed.]

Different female voiceover: Community-based organizations, rape crisis centers, we're used to working with law enforcement, so we had to build a working relationship of trust and accountability and clarifying each others' roles and responsibilities.

[Montage of newspaper clippings; flier for DC Rape Crisis Center; woman filing a report with two police officers; police officers knocking on someone's front door; DNA Evidence newspaper heading.]

Different female voiceover: I felt very much vindicated; something that was dead within me had been released.

[Images of a woman smiling and holding her baby.]

Male voiceover: We can never rest; we've got to continue to move forward, we've got to continue to build and hone our response.

[Montage of sexual assault and forensic DNA information pamphlets.]

Different female voiceover: It's been a lot of hard work to get where we are today and we need to recognize that.

[Montage of sexual assault and forensic DNA information pamphlets.]

Different female voiceover: What they do is invaluable, and it can't be done any other way.

[Closing: text on black screen reads Office for Victims of Crime; OVC; Putting Victims First.]

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This document was last updated on May 29, 2008