Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Distribution and Abundance of Predators that Affect
Duck Production: Prairie Pothole Region


Table 12. Number of occupied incidentally found nests of black-billed magpies and densities of occupied nests of American crows found in all wooded habitat during complete searches of study areas in the prairie pothole region, 1983-88.

Areaa Year Black-billed Magpie American Crow
Found Nests Searched Quarter Sections Found Nests Nest/10 km2b
Gayford 1985 0 40 15 5.8
Hay Lakes* 1983 0 - 3c (2.6)
1984 1 40 11 4.3
Holden* 1983 1 - 8c (16.6)
Penhold* 1984 4 40 19 7.3
1985 4 35 5 2.2
Cartwright 1983 1 - 1c (2.8)
Moore Park* 1983 0 - 1c (4.7)
1984 5 40 6 2.3
Ceylon 1983 0 - 4c (0)
1984 0 39 2 0.8
Craik 1984 5 38 15 6.1
1985 0 40 13 5.0
Denzil 1984 5 40 11 4.3
1985 3 40 18 7.0
Earl Grey* 1985 2 40 9 3.5
Goodwater 1983 0 - 2c (0.9)
Hanley* 1983 5 - 11c (17.7)
1984 9 39 40 15.8
1985 0 40 49 18.9
Inchkeith* 1984 6 40 13 5.0
1985 8 38 9 3.7
Leask* 1984 0 21 6 4.4
1985 2 40 18 6.9
Shamrock 1983 0 - 1c (0)
1984 0 40 10 3.9
1985 0 40 9 3.5
Yorkton* 1985 2 40 10 3.9
United States
Hawley* 1987 0 35 0d 0
1988 0 33 2 0.9
Hitterdal* 1988 0 33 1 0.5
Lake Park* 1987 0 30 0e 0
1988 0 33 1 0.5
Morgan 1983 0 - - (0)
Plentywood 1983 0 - -f (0)
North Dakota
Courtenay 1988 0 36 0 0
Eldrige 1987 0 36 0 0
1988 0 35 0 0
Fredonia 1987 0 36 0 0
1988 0 36 0 0
Jud 1987 0 36 1 0.4
1988 0 32 0 0
Kulm 1988 0 36 0 0
Litchville 1987 0 36 0 0
1988 0 36 0 0
Plaza 1983 0 - - (0)
Sharon 1983 0 - - (0)
Streeter 1983 0 - - (0)
South Dakota
Hosmer 1983 0 - - (0)
Madison 1983 0 - - (0)
Parkston 1983 0 - - (0)

aStudy areas denoted with an (*) asterisk are in the aspen parkland, all others are in the prairie.
bEstimates (in parentheses) were made with data from road-transect counts (Appendix Table 4) and based on the correlation (r=0.84) between numbers of located nests and average percentage of quarter sections in which American crows were detected in study areas in Canada during 1984 and 1985.
cSearches for American crow nests were incomplete.
dOne occupied nest was thought to have been present.
eThree occupied nests were thought to have been present.
fOne occupied American crow nest was found incidentally in this study area; no occupied American crow nests were found in any other Central Flyway study area.

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