United States-Central American Dialogue on Security

The U.S. proposed high-level security talks with Central America Integration System (SICA)1 in 2006 to promote coordination and discussion of transnational threats such as illicit trafficking of arms, drugs, and persons, criminal gangs, border security, terrorism and natural disasters. The first U.S.-SICA Dialogue was held July 17-18, 2007, in Guatemala City, Guatemala. The U.S. Strategy to Combat Criminal Gangs from Central America and Mexico was announced at this dialogue.

Date: 12/17/2008 Description: Logo: U.S.-SICA Dialogue on Security, Washington, DC December 11-12, 2008. State Dept PhotoThe second U.S.-SICA Dialogue on Security was held on December 11-12, 2008, in Washington, DC. A final Communiqué that institutionalized the Dialogue and pledged continued support from all countries in the fight against transnational threats was signed by all countries at the end of the Dialogue, along with a Mechanism on follow-up that details the procedures and focus of future dialogues. Following the Dialogue, all seven SICA member states signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) to assist them in combating illicit trafficking in firearms.

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1SICA is the Spanish acronym for the Central American Integration System. SICA member states include Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. The Dominican Republic is an associate member state and Mexico is an observer state to SICA.

-12/12/08   Communiqué: Second United States-Central American Dialogue on Democratic Security
-12/12/08   Mechanism for Central America-United States Dialogue on Democratic Security
-12/12/08   Seven Central American Countries To Get eTrace
-07/18/07   Final Declaration: Dialogue Between Central America and the United States of America on Democratic Security
-07/18/07   USAID-SICA Regional Gang Prevention Activity Agreement [Get Acrobat Reader PDF version   ]