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James R. Winton


Picture of Jim Winton

Ph.D. 1981. Microbiology, Oregon State University. Infectious diseases of salmon and trout. Section Leader, Fish Health/Environmental Studies.

Winton moved to Seattle in 1986 to direct the fish health activities in the laboratory. During the last 10 years, the research team has grown to consist of more than 25 scientists, technicians, graduate students and visiting researchers working on the most important infectious diseases of Pacific salmon and trout including infectious hematopoietic necrosis, viral hemorrhagic septicemia, bacterial kidney disease, and whirling disease. The team makes use of the newest techniques in molecular biology (including cloning, sequencing, fingerprinting, monoclonal antibodies, DNA probes and the polymerase chain reaction) to conduct research in: 1) improving the speed and precision of detection of important pathogens of salmonid fish; 2) obtaining critical information about the epidemiology of fish pathogens; and 3) developing control strategies for reducing the losses caused by infectious diseases among populations of fish. Winton is an affiliate professor of fisheries at the University of Washington and has served the Fish Health Section of the American Fisheries Society as President and as Editor of the Newsletter. He is subject editor for fish pathology for the Journal of Applied Ichthyology and an editorial advisor for Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. He is a Certified Fish Pathologist, Canadian Fish Health Officer, U.S. Title 50 Inspector and serves on the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, the American Type Culture Collection Advisory Committee, and the Fish Disease Commission of the Office of International Epizooties in Paris, France. He is an author of more than 85 scientific publications.

Representative Publications:

Oshima, K.H., K.H. Higman, C.K. Arakawa, M.L. Landolt, S.T. Nichol, and J.R. Winton. 1995. The genetic diversity and epizootiology of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus. Virus Research 35:123-141.

Nichol, S.T., J.E. Rowe, and J.R. Winton. 1995. Molecular epizootiology and evolution of the glycoprotein and non-virion protein genes of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus, a fish rhabdovirus. Virus Research 38:159-173.

Morzunov, S.P., J.R. Winton, and S.T. Nicol. 1995. The complete genome structure and phylogenetic relationship of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus. Virus Research 38:175-192.

Jorgensen, P.E.V., K. Einer-Jensen, K.H. Higman, and J.R. Winton. 1995. Sequence comparison of the central region of the glycoprotein gene of neutralizable, non-neutralizable, and serially-passed isolates of viral haemorrhagic septicaemia virus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 23:77-82.

Emmenegger, E., C. Huang, M. Landolt, S. LaPatra, and J. Winton. 1995. Synthetic peptides representing neutralizing epitopes on the glycoprotein of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus fail to stimulate neutralizing antibody in rainbow trout. Veterinary Research 26:374-378.

Nishizawa, T., G. Kurath, and J. Winton. 1995. Nucleotide sequence of the M1 and M2 protein genes of hirame rhabdovirus. Veterinary Research 26:408:412.

Meyers, T.R. and J.R. Winton. 1995. Viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus in North America. Annual Review of Fish Disease. Annual Review of Fish Diseases 5:3-24.

Huang, C., M.-S. Chien, M. Landolt, and J. Winton. 1996. Mapping the neutralizing epitopes on the glycoprotein of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus, a fish rhabdovirus. Journal of General Virology 77:3033-3040.

Winton, J.R. 1996. Vaccination of salmonids against infectious haematopoietic necrosis. Developments in Biological Standardization (in press).

Emmenegger, E., M. Landolt, S. LaPatra, and J. Winton. Immunogenicity of synthetic peptides representing antigenic determinants on the infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus glycoprotein. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 28:175-184.

Mailing Address:

U.S. Geological Survey
Western Fisheries Research Center
6505 NE 65th St.
Seattle, WA 98115

Phone: 206-526-6282
Fax: 206-526-6654

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