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Miller, Mark P.

Email: mpmiller@usgs.gov
Ph: 541-750-7386; Fax:
3200 SW Jefferson Way
Corvallis, OR 97331

PhD in Biology (2000) Northern Arizona University
MS in Biology (1994) Virginia Tech
BS in Zoology (1991) Auburn University

Genetic data analysis, Population Genetics, Conservation Genetics, Computational Biology

View all Publications Select Publications:
Miller, M.P., Haig, S.M., Gratto-Trevor, C., Mullins, T.D., 2009, Molecular Population Genetic Structure in the Piping Plover: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1032, p. 30. [Highlight] [FullText] Catalog No: 2188
Miller, M.P., Vincent, R., 2008, Rapid natural selection for resistance to an introduced parasite of rainbow trout: Evolutionary Applications, v. 1, p. 336-341. [FullText] Catalog No: 2110
Miller, M.P., Weigel, D.E., Mock, K., 2006, Patterns of genetic structure in the endangered aquatic gastropod Valvata utahensis (Mollusca- Valvatidae) at small and large spatial scales: Freshwater Biology, v. 51, p. 2362-2375. [FullText] Catalog No: 2115
Miller, M.P., Bellinger, R.M., Forsman, E.D., Haig, S.M., 2006, Effects of historical climate change, habitat connectivity, and vicariance on genetic structure and diversity across the range of the Red Tree Vole (Phenacomys longicaudus) in the Pacific Northwest United States: Molecular Ecology, v. 15, p. 145-159. [Highlight] [FullText] Catalog No: 1500
Miller, M.P., Haig, S.M., Wagner, R.S., 2006, Phylogeography and spatial genetic structure of the southern torrent salamander- Implications for conservation and management: Journal of Heredity, v. 97, no. 6, p. 561-570. [Highlight] [FullText] Catalog No: 1704
Miller, M.P., 2005, Alleles In Space (AIS)- Computer software for the joint analysis of interindividual spatial and genetic information: Journal of Heredity, v. 96, no. 6, p. 722-724. [FullText] Catalog No: 2109
Shuster, S.M., Miller, M.P., Lang, B.K., Zorich, N., Huynh, L., Keim, P., 2005, The effects of controlled propagation on an endangered species- genetic differentiation and divergence in body size among native and captive populations of the Socorro Isopod (Crustacea- Flabellifera): Conservation Genetics, v. 6, p. 355-368. [FullText] Catalog No: 2119
Miller, M.P., Blinn, D.W., Keim, P., 2002, Correlations between observed dispersal capabilities and patterns of genetic differentiation in populations of four aquatic insect species from the Arizona White Mountains, USA: Freshwater Biology, v. 47, p. 1660-1673. [FullText] Catalog No: 2111
Miller, M.P., Stevens, L.E., Busch, J., Sorensen, J.A., Keim, P., 2000, Amplified fragment length polymorphism and mitochondrial sequence data detect genetic differentiation and relationships in endangered southwestern USA ambersnails (Oxyloma spp.): Canadian Journal of Zoology, v. 78, p. 1845-1854. [FullText] Catalog No: 2117
Busch, J., Miller, M.P., Paxton, E.H., Sogge, M.K., Keim, P., 2000, Genetic variation in the endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher: Auk, v. 117, no. 3, p. 586-595. [Abs] [FullText] Catalog No: 783
Miller, M.P., 1999, MANTEL-STRUCT- A program for the detection of population structure via mantel tests: Journal of Heredity, v. 90, no. 1, p. 258-259. [FullText] Catalog No: 2108
Miller, M.P., Hendricks, A.C., 1996, Zinc resistance in Chironomus riparius- Evidence for physiological and genetic components: Journal of the North American Benthological Society, v. 15, no. 1, p. 106-116. [FullText] Catalog No: 2103

Mark's Genetic Data Analysis Software

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