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Our Mission:

Growth House, Inc., provides this award-winning portal as your international gateway to resources for life-threatening illness and end of life care. Our primary mission is to improve the quality of compassionate care for people who are dying through public education and global professional collaboration. Our search engine gives you access to the Internet's most comprehensive collection of reviewed resources for end-of-life care.

We host the Inter-Institutional Collaborating Network On End-of-life Care (IICN), [iicn] a content syndication network that gives you free access to over 4,000 pages of reviewed educational materials from over forty major health care organizations. Growth House is a portal to the best materials from our partner organizations, including the full text of several books.

Our hypertext topic pages explain major issues in hospice and home care, palliative care, pain management, Grief, death with dignity, and quality improvement. We offer disease-specific guides for heart failure, end-stage renal disease, and cancer, plus overviews of other resources. Our online bookstore features the best books and music related to the issues we cover. And be sure to listen to Growth House Radio, a unique mix of music and easy-listening education features on end-of-life care. It's entertainment with a mission!

Featured Content

Read blogs by Susan W. Reynolds, Les Morgan, Larry Beresford, Debra Bradley Ruder, and other end of life specialists.
Our new online edition of Joanne Lynn's recent book The Common Sense Guide to Improving Palliative Care gives practical advice on how to get real results in improving service access and delivery.
Got Palliative Care? A tip of the Growth House hat to palliative care doc James Hallenbeck for his blog piece titled Got Palliative Care?. It gives a clever spin to a serious issue.
Does your institution understand the difference between human experiments and quality improvement? Download a Hastings Center report on the ethics of quality improvement.
Check resources for life review and reminiscence therapy.
Blissful Journey Marina Raye combines heartfelt flute melodies with restful keyboard arrangements and some nature sounds in Blissful Journey, playing now on Growth House Radio's Quiet Music Channel.

Featured Books
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The Common Sense Guide to Improving Palliative Care
book cover A practical new guide by Joanne Lynn, M.D. gives no-nonsense advice on how to improve your programs. You can read full-text extracts in our online edition.
The Good Death
book cover Marilyn Webb integrates case studies with analytical chapters on the legal, historical, and social aspects of dying.
Palliative Care Ethics: A Companion For All Specialties
book cover Many ethical dilemmas can arise in the field of palliative care. The new second edition includes case studies that illustrate common themes. Expanded sections include more coverage of patient rights, rationing within the health care system, terminally ill children, and more general cancer care ethics.
Volunteers in Hospice and Palliative Care: A Handbook for Volunteer Service Managers
book cover By Derek Doyle. Provides comprehensive, practical guidance on the responsibilities of those who lead, coordinate, and manage volunteers in small hospices, large specialist palliative care units, and general hospitals. Covers selection, training, supervision and support, and legal and ethical issues.
The Needs of the Dying: A Guide For Bringing Hope, Comfort, and Love to Life's Final Chapter
book cover A compassionate and practical look at the issues by David Kessler, M.D., an expert in the field.
Terminal Illness: A Guide to Nursing Care
book cover This text provides a nursing care approach to the problems and issues that arise when caring for patients with terminal cancer and other illnesses such as degenerative neurological disorders, AIDS and more.