FORM 37a ~&r ?ro-?'ecsor- Mplyo; I sent you last reek under aepretc cover the copy of Harper's and the reprint from the Journal of Soci~l Qgiene which you klndly Bent me reoently. a lot of Internet, and, f think, profit. I have reed them both with Somethee I find reading which makes me wish tmt I could let nrg aorrespondanoa, take care of itself, mnd go off for a week o two of reflection and attempt at digestion of the ideas presented. In Pier or" the lack of tba and refleation, an &de- qw&e reaction to your a trivinl caMIsnt in this oonnection q amuse you. ~rtac3.e WinR is aut of the question, though Hy wife in her earlier day8 taught Sund&y School. She reports, however, that she gave it up when she realized that there were appstrently only two answers to all the questions that Sunday School teachers were iusti-ucted to ask of their young charges, the one being, "God,n ad the other being, a4Lin.n This ohows how a$ly the educxttional technique in vogue in Sun* gradul3.y svolved to fit the age of the reciplenta of instruction. SchodLs has been Sincerely yours, Profeeeror Elton Uyo, Fatigue Laboratory, Morgan Hall, Soldiera Field, Boaton, Massauhusetts. Act: RPH ALAN GREGG