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   U.S. Department of State
   Office of Allowances

Standardized Regulations
Foreign Per Diem
Section 920
Quarterly Reports
Latest Regulation Changes: Summary
Special Report--Panama Canal: Allowances and Benefits

Chapters Available (Method and Maintenance)
000 General Provisions
100 Quarters Allowance
200 Cost-of-Living Allowances
300 Representation Allowances
400 Official Residence Expense
500 Post Differential
600 Payments During Evacuation/Authorized Departure
650 Danger Pay Allowance
700 Defense Department Teachers
800 Compensatory Time-Off
850 Advances of Pay
900 Post Classification and Payment Tables
950 Retail Price Schedule Handbook
960 Worksheets/Exhibits

Table of Contents

Chapter 000 - General Provisions

010 Authorities
011 Authority for Issuance
012 Exercise of Authority
013 Authority of Head of Agency
020 Effective Dates
021 Current Regulations
022 Superseded Regulations
030 Applicability
031 U.S. Citizen Employees
032 Non-Citizen Employees
033 Per Diem Allowances for Travel
040 Definitions
050 Payments
051 Allowance Payments
052 Post Differential and Danger Pay Allowances
053 Payment for One Day Involving Two Posts
054 Federal Income Tax
055 Not Currently Used
056 Penalty for Presenting False Claim
057 Early Termination of Grants
060 Classifications and Reclassifications of Posts
061 Post Classifications
062 Post Reclassifications
063 Payment Tables
070 Reporting Requirements
071 General
072 Reporting Responsibility
073 Report Forms
074 Reporting Data for Per Diem and Post Allowances
075 Reporting Data for the Post Differential and Danger Pay
076 Reporting Data for the Education Allowance
077 Use of SF-1190, Foreign Allowances Application, Grant, and Report
077.1 Applying for Payment of Allowances on SF-1190
077.2 Required Annual Reporting of Quarters Expenses on SF-1190
077.3 Granting Allowances on SF-1190

Chapter 100 - Quarters Allowances

110 General
111 Definition
112 Scope
113 Advance Payments
120 Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance
121 Definition
122 Scope
123 Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance Upon First Arrival
124 Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance Preceding Final Departure
125 Determination of Rate
126 Special Rules
126.1 Married Couple Employees at the Same Post
126.2 Payments During Periods of Official Travel
127 Prohibitions
128 Effective Dates of Revisions
129 Payment
130 Living Quarters Allowance
131 Definitions
132 Granting
132.1 Commencement of Grant
132.2 Continuance of Grant
132.3 Revision of Grant
132.4 Termination of Grant
132.5 Costs
133 Not Currently Used
134 Determination of Rate
134.1 Special Rules
134.2 Responsibility of Head of Agency
135 Payment
135.1 Rates of Payment
135.2 Quarters Allowance Groups
135.3 Using Section 920
135.4 Rates for Employees with More than One Family Member
135.5 Rates for Employees with Several Family Members and For Certain Other Employees
136 Personally Owned Quarters
137 Allowance for Necessary and Reasonable Initial Repairs, Alterations and Improvements Under Unusual Circumstances
140 Not Currently Used
150 Allowance for Delegates and Alternate Delegates of the U.S. to Sessions of the UN General Assembly who are not Permanent Members of the U.S. Mission to the UN
151 Description
152 Standard for Housing and for Subsistence Expenses Allowance

Chapter 200 - Cost-of-Living Allowances

210 General
211 Definition
212 Scope
220 Post Allowance
221 Definition
222 Scope
223 Commencement
224 Termination
225 Continuance During Absence from Post
226 Determination of Rate
227 Revision of Grant
228 Post Allowance Levels
229 Payment
240 Foreign Transfer Allowance
241 Description
241.1 Definitions
241.2 Scope
a. Miscellaneous Expense Portion
b. Wardrobe Expense Portion
c. Predeparture Subsistence Expense Portion
d. Lease Penalty Expense Portion
242 Amounts
242.1 Miscellaneous Expense Portion
242.2 Wardrobe Portion
242.3 Subsistence Expense Portion
242.4 Lease Penalty Expense Portion
242.5 Payment
242.6 Prohibitions
242.7 Transfer Allowance Payable to an Employee Whose Family is on Separate Maintenance Allowance
242.8 Special Rules - Married Couple Employee
243 Advance of Funds for Foreign Transfer Allowance
244 Conditions Requiring Refund
245 Employees Assigned to a Post Which is Under Ordered/Authorized Departure Order
250 Home Service Transfer Allowance
251 Description
251.1 Definitions
251.2 Scope
a. Miscellaneous Expense Portion
b. Wardrobe Expense Portion
c. Subsistence Expense Portion
d. Lease Penalty Expense Portion
252 Amounts
252.1 Miscellaneous Expense
252.2 Wardrobe Portion
252.3 Subsistence Expense Portion
252.4 Lease Penalty Expense Portion
252.5 Payment
52.6 Prohibitions
252.7 Special Rule - Married Couple Employee
252.8 Home Service Transfer Allowance and Separate Maintenance Allowance
253 Advance of Funds for Home Service Transfer Allowance
254 Conditions Requiring Refund
260 Separate Maintenance Allowance
261 Description
261.1 Definitions
261.2 Scope
262 Circumstances Warranting SMA
263 Circumstances Not Warranting SMA
264 Application and Supporting Data
265 Commencement and Continuation of Grant
266 Suspension/Termination of Grant
267 Payment
270 Education Allowance
271 Definitions
272 Scope
273 Application Including Estimates of Costs
274 Grant of Education Allowances
274.1 Amount
274.2 Termination
275 Payments
276 Special Rules
276.1 Posts in Evacuation/Authorized Departure Status
276.2 Special Eligibility Criteria
276.3 Child in the United States
276.4 Child Under Separate Maintenance Allowance in Foreign Area
276.5 Employee Transfers to a New Foreign or Non-Foreign Post but the Child Remains in Same School
276.6 Employee Delayed Enroute to Post of Assignment
276.7 Transfers or Initial Assignment from U.S. to Foreign Post
276.8 Handicapped Child
276.9 Supplementary Instruction
276.10 Upon Death of Employee
277 Allowable Expenses
277.1 School at Post
277.2 School Away from Post
277.3 Home Study Course
277.4 Private Instruction
280 Educational Travel
281 Definitions
282 Scope
283 Standards for Authorization
284 Conditions of Educational Travel
285 Payment

Chapter 300 - Representation Allowances

310 General
311 Definition
312 Scope
320 Allowable Items of Expenditure
330 Prohibitions
340 Payment

Chapter 400 - Official Residence Expenses

410 Description
411 Definitions
412 Scope
420 Designations
430 Official Residence Expenses During Absence of Principal Representative
440 Amount of Usual Household Expenses
445 Limitation on Household Servants
450 Allowable Expenditures
451 Household Servants
452 Household Operation and Maintenance
453 Expendable Household Supplies
454 Prohibitions
455 Payment

Chapter 500 - Post Differential

510 General
511 Definitions
512 Scope
513 Basis for Post Differential
520 Post Differential Grants
530 Post Differential Applicable to Post
531 Commencement
532 Termination
533 Continuation During Absence from Post
540 Post Differential on Detail
550 Payments
551 Full Time and Temporary Employees
552 Ceiling on Payments
553 Payment After Absence
560 Exclusion of Differntial for Step Pay Increases

Chapter 600 - Payments During Evacuation/Authorized Departure

600 General
610 Definitions
611 Description
612 Coverage
613 Entitlement
614 Designation of Authorized Safehaven
615 Advance Payments
616 Eligibility
617 Amount of Advance Payment
618 Recovery
619 Not Currently Used
620 Continuation of Salary and Allowance Payments
621 Computation
622 Payment
623 Termination
624 Agency Report Requirements
625 Work Assignments for Evacuated Employees
630 Special Allowances
631 Travel Expense Allowances
632 Subsistence Expense Allowance
633 Special Education Allowances
634 Suspension of SEA Payments
635 Termination
636 Return to Assignment
637 Not Currently Used
638 Review - Employee Accounts
639 Employees/Dependents Assigned but Not Arrived at Post
640 Approval of Agency Regulations

Chapter 650 - Danger Pay Allowance

651 Definitions
652 Scope
653 Basis for Danger Pay Allowance
654 Danger Pay Allowance Applicable to Post
655 Danger Pay Allowance on Detail
656 Payments
657 Exclusion of Danger Pay Allowance From Step Pay Increase Computations

Chapter 700 - Defense Department Teachers

710 General
720 Allowances - Special Rules

Chapter 800 - Compensatory Time off at Certain Posts in Foreign Areas

810 General
811 Definition
812 Scope
820 Circumstances Where Applicable
830 Prohibitions
840 Granting Compensatory Time Off

Chapter 850 - Advances of Pay

851 Scope
852 Advance Payments
853 Review of Accounts
854 Allotment and Assignment of Advanced Pay
855 Funds Available on Reimbursable Basis

Chapter 900 - Post Classification and Payment Tables

910 Explanations and Instructions for use
911 Section 920 - Post Classifications
920 List of Countries and Posts Classified for Allowances and Differentials (Including Reporting Requirements)
920 Index to Section 920 -Alphabetical List of Posts
925 Maximum Rates of Per Diem Allowances for Travel in Foreign Areas

950 Retail Price Schedule Handbook
960 Worksheets/Exhibits (Eff. 4/26/98)

[end of document]

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