U.S. Chamber of Commerce
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
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Impact on the Economy of the Climate Provision in the Obama Administration’s 2010 Budget

Business users and consumers would face higher energy costs, leading to increased costs of other goods and services throughout the economy.


Swine Flu Developments and Resources

» H1N1 NOT Bacon
» Swine Flu Developments - 28 Apr 2009
» Swine Flu Developments and Resources
» U.S. Chamber resources on pandemic preparedness


A Call To Investigate and Prosecute Widespread Fraud in Asbestos Litigation

To protect the integrity of the U.S. civil justice system the Department of Justice must prioritize and complete its investigations of asbestos litigation fraud.


U.S.-China Business Agreements Signal Opportunities for American Workers

The U.S. Chamber hosted the U.S.-China Trade Cooperation Forum today to highlight the signing of over 30 contracts with Chinese business partners, worth more than $10 billion, that will support U.S. economic growth and job creation.


In Difficult Times, Businesses Offer a Helping Hand

Are you one of the millions of Americans impacted by the recession? More than 13 million people are unemployed right now, and this number is expected to climb.


America's Small Business Summit 2009


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A Growth and Prosperity Agenda for America
FedEx Monster Yellow