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A Complete Picture of Quality Service office chart

The CFO and all members of the FMP staff are dedicated to providing quality service to the State Department and to the other federal agencies in the foreign affairs community to support the demands of today's changing foreign policy requirements. Following are the bureau's senior staff members and a short summary of office responsibilities.

Senior FMP Staff
Assistant Secretary and Chief Financial Officer
Bert T. Edwards

Coordinator, Intelligence Resources and Planning (FMP/IRP)
Dr. Jennifer E. Sims

Director, Office of International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (FMP/ICASS)
Greg Engle

Executive Director (FMP/EX)
William E. Todd

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Services
and Deputy CFO (FMP/F)
Larry Eisenhart

Managing Director for Financial policy, Reporting, and Analysis
Christopher H. Flaggs

Managing Director for Domestic Financial Services
Steven B. Steiner

Managing Director for International Financial Services (FMP/IFS)
Ronald L. Miller

Director, Office of Financial Management Services (FMP/FMS)
Alan K. Evans

Deputy Assistant Secretary
for Budget and Planning (FMP/BP)
James L. Millette

FMP Offices


The Chief Financial Officer provides direct financial management support to the Department and other U.S. foreign affairs agencies. As Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Finance and Management Policy, the CFO is responsible for overall management of the bureau. The CFO establishes effective financial management policies; ensures adequate systems to produce reliable, timely financial and related programmatic information; develops financial analysis and performance reports; integrates budget execution and accounting functions; and ensures that the Department has highly qualified financial management personnel. The CFO's immediate staff support functions include funding emergency evacuations of State Department personnel world-wide.

Intelligence Resource and Planning (FMP/IRP)
The Coordinator for Intelligence Resources and Planning (CIRP), advises the Undersecretary of Management, the Chief Financial Officer, and the Intelligence Resource Board on financial and management issues with focus on national security and intelligence.  IRP also leads efforts in joint program planning with the national security community to improve efficiency and strengthen policy, leverage defense technologies and innovations to forecast requirements, and improves intelligence support to platform managers in the Department of State. 

International Cooperative Administrative Support Services (FMP/ICASS)
FMP/ICASS administers the Department's cost distribution system for administrative services provided to U.S. Government agencies which operate at posts abroad. The ICASS system was introduced worldwide in October 1996 to test policies, procedures and cost distribution software with full implementation in FY 1998. 

Executive Office (FMP/EX)

The Executive Director and staff provide direction and support to the FMP Bureau for all internal administrative, management, planning, and resource allocation activities, including financial and personnel resources and general services.


The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Services also serves as the Department's Deputy Chief Financial Officer (DCFO) and oversees Domestic Financial Services and International Financial Services. FMP/F produces the Department's financial policy and administers the Management Controls Program.

Domestic Financial Services Directorate (FMP/F/DFS)
This organization manages the State Department's domestic and consolidated financial accounting operational programs. The directorate provides Travel Advance, Vendor Claims, Payroll, Retirement; and other financial accounting services to the Department and its employees. 

International Financial Services Directorate (FMP/F/IFS)

This directorate manages and coordinates the financial operations of the State Department abroad through the direct activities of the Department's three regional Financial Service Centers.
The Financial Service Centers (FMP/F/IFS/FSC)
The Department currently has FSCs located in Paris, Bangkok, and Charleston, SC. These centers provide financial services to U.S Missions around the world. About 300 Foreign Service, Civil Service, Foreign Service National and contract staff process financial activity--such as making disbursements, providing payroll services for foreign nationals employed by the Department of State, and making foreign currency purchases for the State Department and other foreign affairs agency locations overseas.
Financial Management Services (FMP/FMS)
FMP/FMS is responsible for providing the Department of State with computerized financial management systems.  This organization develops, implements, and maintains systems such as the department's primary accounting system, its payroll system, and its retirement and disability payment system for Foreign Service Officers, Foreign Service Nationals, and their survivors. 


The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget and Planning administers the State Department's budget process which includes developing, justifying, presenting, allocating, and tracking the Department's appropriations, trust funds, and other accounts. It ensures that adequate resources are available for the Department to meet its strategic objectives.

Financial Management and Policy