BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Nigeria Local time: 06:20 AM

Anayo Agu

Mr. Agu is a Senior Commercial Specialist with the U.S. Commercial Service in Nigeria. His sector responsibilities cover electronic information and communications products and services (computers, telecommunications and the electronic media), franchising, printing and graphics, renewable energy solutions, industrial and general security, medical equipment and pharmaceutical products. He also actively engages in trade promotion and event management.

Besides local trade programs, Mr. Agu manages the premier, annual information and communications technology trade exhibition and conference of the United States Commercial Service in Nigeria - the CTO Exhibition. The CTO exhibition is held in May. It is the largest exhibition of its kind in all of West Africa and Nigeria's #1 information technology show. In December 2000, Anayo initiated and successfully launched Nigeria's first major electronic commerce exhibition and seminars - eWEEK. This conference and exhibition will now be held in December every year.

Mr. Agu has helped many Nigerian and U.S. firms establish long-term, mutually beneficial business relationships since joining the Commercial Service. He has participated in several international buyer programs that have resulted in millions of dollars in export of U.S. products to Nigeria. Mr. Agu plays key roles in designing and implementing market access strategies for U.S. firms interested in securing businesses in Nigeria.

Anayo brought to the U.S. Commercial Service a strong background in field sales operations and marketing. He holds a bachelor's degree in management and a master's degree in marketing. He has attended several local and international business courses and holds professional certificates in international marketing. He is a member of the Nigerian Institute of Management, the Nigerian Marketing Association, and the American Marketing Association.

For more enquiries, please contact Anayo Agu