Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Breeding Birds of the Platte River Valley

Table 5

Table 5. Zoogeographic distribution of breeding birds in the Platte River Valley. Data adapted from Johnsgard (1979).

Woodland/Forest Species 

Eastern         Northern         Pandemic        Western        Southern

American Golden-crowned Red-tailed Western Scissor-tailed kestel kinglet hawk kingbird flycatcher Northern Pine siskin Wild turkey Say's phoebe Great-tailed bobwhite grackle Black-billed Mourning dove Western Blue grosbeak cuckoo wood-pewee Chimney Yellow-billed Black-billed swift cuckoo magpie Red-bellied Eastern Black-headed woodpecker screech-owl gosbeak Red-headed Great horned House finch woodpecker owl Eastern Northern Lazuli kingbird flicker bunting Great crested Hairy flycatcher woodpecker Eastern Downy phoebe woodpecker Eastern Willow wood-pewee flycatcher Blue jay Common crow Northern Black-capped mockingbird Chickadee Gray catbird White-breasted nuthatch Brown thrasher House wren Wood thrush American robin Eastern Loggerhead bluebird shrike Bell's vireo Warbling vireo Red-eyed vireo Yellow warbler American Brown-headed redstart cowbird Common grackle Northern oriole Orchard oriole American goldfinch Northern Rufous-sided cardinal towhee Rose-breasted Chipping sparrow grosbeak Indigo bunting Song sparrow Wetland Species Eastern Northern Pandemic Western Southern
Wood duck Common snipe Pied-billed American Wilson's grebe wigeon phalarope Green-backed Swamp sparrow Double-crested Gadwall heron cormorant American Canada goose Canvasback bittern King rail Green-winged Redhead teal Sedge wren Mallard Ruddy duck Northern Yellow-headed pintail blackbird Blue-winged teal Northern shoveler Great blue heron Black-crowned night-heron Virginia rail Sora American coot Piping plover Killdeer Spotted sandpiper Black tern Least tern Marsh wren Common yellowthroat Red-winged blackbird Grassland Species Eastern Northern Pandemic Western Southern
Eastern Sharp-tailed Northern harrier Ferruginous Greater meadowlark grouse hawk prairie-chicken Field sparrow Short-eared owl Swainson's Long-billed hawk curlew Horned lark Burrowing owl Upland sandpiper Boblink Western Chihuahuan meadowlark raven Savannah Brewer's Dickcissel sparrow blackbird Grasshopper Lark sparrow Lark bunting sparrow Vesper Brewer's Cassin's sparrow sparrow sparrow
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