Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Breeding Birds of the Platte River Valley


Special thanks are due to Terri Walker who masterfully recovered the electronic file for this manuscript after the senior author lost it on his disk.

Data collection for this publication began with the Platte River Ecology Study administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 1979. W. Reid Goforth and Rey Stendell, past director and present director, respectively, of the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center were instrumental in securing the initial funding for the study and administered the project through its successful completion. Numerous colleagues at Northern Prairie assisted us in the gathering of these data. Most importantly, we want to acknowledge the assistance of Wayne Norling and Riley Atkins who invested considerable time and energy into seeing this project through some logistically difficult periods.

Management of our large data set and computer entry of that data was accomplished by Carol Nustad and Deb Rova. The original figures were prepared by Bruce Hanson, Mavis Meyer, and David Fellows. Subsequent changes resulting in the final products were done by Carmen Luna. Douglas Johnson and Donald Sparling designed the statistical analyses and guided the interpretation of our data.

Marjorie Gerdes provided us with copies of Wilson Tout's original nest record cards from Lincoln County. Constructive criticisms of several earlier drafts of the manuscript were provided by David Bowman, Rusty Corteylou, Betty Elder, Charles Ely, Douglas Facey, David Gilmer, Douglas Johnson, Harold Kantrud, Thomas Labedz, Ross Lock, Wayne Molhoff, and Mark Oberle. Without their assistance we would not have been able to accomplish our final objective.

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