Markets of the Month

Peru and Colombia

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Flag of Peru

Long identified with the famous Inca ruins of Machu Picchu and other remnants of its ancient civilizations, Peru is taking on a new identity as one of Latin American’s most dynamic economic and trade centers, and as an increasing important market for American firms.

Fueled by strong economic growth, Peru represents one of the most rapidly expanding global markets for American exporters. Over the past six years, Peru has achieved GDP growth rates averaging five percent, reaching 8% in 2006. High mineral prices, fiscal austerity and agricultural exports that benefited from the Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (ATPDEA) contributed to Peru’s excellent economic performance.

>>Read entire article on Peru
>>Peru Fact Sheet

Flag of Colombia

Colombia, home to nearly 43 million, is the third largest country in Latin America in terms of population and fourth in terms of size. Considered the crown jewel of Simon Bolívar’s military campaigns, the Republic of Colombia, encompassed Ecuador, Venezuela and New Granada when it achieved independence from Spain in 1819.

Ecuador and Venezuela separated from the union in 1830 and in 1886, the country became the United States of Colombia.

Occupying the northwestern most corner of South America, Colombia’s maritime borders are the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean; it shares eastern borders with Venezuela and Brazil and in the south with Peru and Ecuador. Colombia is one of the world’s most diverse countries in terms of climate, flora and fauna. Part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, its landscape reflects extremes in altitude and temperatures ranging from snow capped volcanoes, to tropical rainforests, to semi-arid deserts to savannahs and pine tree forests.

>>Read entire article on Colombia
>>Colombia Fact Sheet

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