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Katrina Response: Flexible, Focused Training for Disasters

Worker Education and Training Program
Fall 2005 Awardee Meeting and Technical Workshop

From October 19-21, 2005, the NIEHS WETP successfully convened its October Awardee Meeting and Technical Workshop in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. Approximately 100 experts in training participated in this engaging conference, primarily focused on the health and safety of workers responding to Hurricane Katrina.

Click on the links below to get detailed information about each meeting and workshop.


Click on the link below to view the agenda for the Awardee Meeting and Technical Workshop.


Click on the link below to view the Awardee Meeting and Technical Workshop Attendees.


Click on the links below to view presentations given at the Awardee Meeting and Technical Workshop.
Please note: Only sessions with presentations available are listed.

Meeting Reports

Click on the links below to view the Awardee Meeting report or the Technical Workshop report. Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health
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Last Reviewed: May 07, 2007