HAZUS-MH Uses: Map Series - Flood

Coastal Flooding in Escambia County, Florida from Hurricane Ivan
Potential uses for this map include: (Pre-event uses) Identification of the extent of inland Image of Escambia County coastal flooding map flooding from the storm using predictive SWEL developed by the SLOSH models; Identification and ranking of census blocks that are likely to be damaged in the predicted hurricane event; Identification of staging areas for pre-position of response personnel, supplies and other resources; Identification of areas that may experience heavy damage to bridges and general building stock, conditions that could increase shelter requirements and the demand for disaster assistance; (Post-event uses) Identification of bridges that should be inspected; Identification of streets that may be impassable; Identification of damaged areas in the study region that have a high probability of generating shelter needs and requirements for debris removal; and Identification of of areas that can be targeted for mitigation programs, including the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP).

Download Coastal Flooding in Escambia County, Florida from Hurricane Ivan -- Map Series Template Handout
Download Coastal Flooding in Escambia County, Florida from Hurricane Ivan -- Map Series Template Poster

Santa Clara and Virgin Rivers Flood: City of St. George, Utah
Potential uses for this map include: (Pre-event uses) Estimation of economic losses for Image of Santa Clara and Virgin Rivers flood map buildings as a result of flooding in the City of St. George; (Post-event uses) Estimation of potential economic losses for buildings from the effects of flooding; Identification of areas within the county that are expected to sustain building damage; Identification of streets and bridges that have been flooded; and Identification and prioritization of areas to be surveyed by damage assessment teams.

Download Santa Clara and Virgin Rivers Flood: City of St. George, Utah -- Map Series Template Handout
Download Santa Clara and Virgin Rivers Flood: City of St. George, Utah -- Map Series Template Poster

Population Potentially Exposed to Dam Failure in Austin, Texas
Potential uses for this map include: (Pre-event uses) Identification of population and Image of potential population exposure to dam failure map property potentially exposed to the failure of Mansfield and Miller dams in Austin, Texas (GIS inventory); Characterization of population potentially exposed, including elderly and low-income. Identification of essential facilities in the inundation area (GIS inventory); Incorporation of HAZUS-MH analysis into evacuation and shelters planning; (Post-event uses) Identification and quantification of population at risk from the failure of Miller and/or Mansfield dams; and Identification and implementation of appropriate protective measures, including warning, evacuation, and sheltering.

Download Population Potentially Exposed to Dam Failure in Austin, Texas -- Map Series Template Handout
Download Population Potentially Exposed to Dam Failure in Austin, Texas -- Map Series Template Poster

Last Modified: Tuesday, 04-Mar-2008 10:44:27 EST

Fast Facts

HAZUS-MH Map Template Series products have been developed to support risk assessments, mitigation planning and support for disaster operations. A standardized template has been developed to display the maps with descriptions of the data and analysis. Each map includes an explanation of how the analysis can be used to support decision making for hurricanes, floods and earthquakes. The map templates are available as Handouts or Posters.



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