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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Linear Dimensions of Mount St. Helens Lava Dome
1980 to 1986

-- Swanson, D.A., and Holcomb, R.T., 1989,
Regularities in Growth of the Mount St. Helens Dacite Dome, 1980-1986: IN: IAVCEI Proceedings in Volcanology, Vol.2, Lava Flows and Domes, 1989, Springer-Verlag.

Start of eruptive episode Duration
(in meters)
(in meters)
(in meters)
October 18, 1980 1 290 260 39
December 27, 1980 7 440 320 93
February 5, 1981 3 520 464 120
April 10, 1981 3 666 470 129
June 18, 1981 2 674 520 161
September 6, 1981 5 680 590 161
October 30, 1981 4 680 600 184
March 19, 1982 24 760 600 195.1
May 14, 1982 5 800 636 198
August 18, 1982 6 820 692 204.1
February 7, 1983 368 860 780 227.3
March 29, 1984 5 860 790 227.1
September 10, 1984 3 960 800 225.6
May 24, 1985 17 1,000 800 222.9
May 8, 1986 5 1,040 800 225.9
October 21, 1986 4 1,060

[3,478 feet]

[2,822 feet]

[876.6 feet]
Dimensions taken at end of each extrusive episode, including talus. Height is above base of October 1980 lobe (at assumed elevation of 1,914 meters). All measurements from topographic maps.

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06/10/04, Lyn Topinka