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Closing Remarks

Brainstorming Session on Breast Cancer & the Environment

As a summary, Carl Barrett listed the following components and attributes for a strong breast cancer research program:

  • Strong collaboration
  • Interdisciplinary research including social scientists
  • Inter-institutional participation including NCI, NIEHS, FDA, DOD, EPA
  • International in scope
  • Systematic "systems biology" approach
  • Research on ovarian and other related cancers
  • Long term studies
  • Use of many cohorts
  • Use of new technologies
  • Development of new animal models
  • Exposure assessment
  • Literature surveys
  • An ELSI program
  • Focus on outreach and communication
  • Participation of advocacy community

Frances Visco emphasized that the proposed collaborative NIEHS Centers of Excellence will seek to facilitate progress in breast cancer research to improve public health.

Kenneth Olden expressed the hope that a NIEHS-led breast cancer research initiative would include strong participation from the public and many groups in the scientific community. NIEHS is committed to building this partnership and to supporting research to identify risk factors for breast cancer. Ultimately, this research has the potential to lead to interventions that will reduce the burden of breast cancer in the population. Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health
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Last Reviewed: August 24, 2007