BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Argentina Local time: 01:44 AM

Due Diligence Reports

Man at ease - He's ordering a due diligence report from CS A

Prevent costly mistakes with quick, low-cost credit checks or due diligence reports on Argentine companies.  Initiate and manage your business relationships with confidence.

Make informed business decisions when evaluating potential Argentine business partners. Before you do business with a prospective agent, distributor, or partner in Argentina, contact the U.S. Commercial Service in Buenos Aires.  We will provide you with due diligence information on a specific Argentine company to help you determine its suitability.

  SME Company* SME New-to-Export Companies Using Service for the First Time   Large Company* 
Price $600 $350 $900

* A Small or Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) is defined as a firm with 500 or fewer employees or self-certified as a small business under SBA regulations. A large company is defined as a firm with more than 500 employees. Subsidiaries will be classified based on the size of the parent company.

We will investigate the capabilities, legitimacy and financial strength of an Argentine firm and provide useful information gleaned from government, industry and financial contacts, the local press and other sources. We will deliver the due diligence report on the Argentine company of your choice within 20 business days as from receipt of payment.

Our credit check reports will include detailed answers to your questions about the specific Argentine company in which you are interested --competitors, credit rating, profit and loss numbers, key officers, and our opinion on the overall viability of the firm in this market. These reports are required by many export financing organizations. 

Please do not hesitate to contact Josette Fiore for more information or to order this service.  Her contact data follows below:

Josette Fiore
Phone: (54-11) 5777-4683
Fax: (54-11) 5777-4203

Need to find an Argentine partner first?

Let us help you find qualified Argentine buyers, partners, or agents!  We can prepare a list of Argentine companies in the sub-sector or for the product/service of your choice; we can pre-screen the Argentine firms to determine if they are interested in your company’s products/services, and we can even schedule appointments for you if you opt for face-to-face meetings with potential business partners.  Once you have selected the most suitable partner for your company, you order our due diligence report.  Learn more about our Customized Contact List, Pre-screened Partners and Pre-arranged Meetings services.