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Clearinghouse on Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly (CANE)

The Clearinghouse on Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly, located at the University of Delaware, is the nation's largest archive of published research, training resources, government documents, and other sources on elder abuse. The CANE collection is fully computerized.

With more than 5,000 holdings, you can search CANE's database to obtain references pertaining to the many facets of elder mistreatment.

Search the CANE Database (Text searches only.)

Major funding for the CANE Clearinghouse comes from the National Center on Elder Abuse.

CANE Bibliography Series
Adult Protective Services (APS) and Elder Abuse (December 2007)
Criminology, Law Enforcement, Elder Abuse, and Senior Victimization (December 2007)
Role of Attorneys, Courts, and Legal Mechanisms in the Prevention of and Intervention to Elder Abuse (December 2007)
Annual Annotated Bibliography of Elder Abuse and Neglect Publications July 2005 - June 2006
The Role of Health Care Professionals in the Prevention, Detection, and Intervention of Elder Mistreatment (August 2007)
Is Inadequate Palliative Care a Form of Elder Abuse and Neglect? (August 2007)
Elder Sexual Abuse - An Update of the Literature (March 2007)
Ageism (December 2006)
Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly in Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care Facilities (December 2006)
Multidisciplinary and Collaborative Approaches in Responding to Elder Abuse (December 2006)
Elder Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation in Rural Settings (November 2006)
Financial Exploitation of the Elderly: An Update of the Literature (September 2006)
Elder Abuse: International and Cultural Perspectives - An Update of the Literature (June 2006)
2004-2005 Year in Review: Research and Scholarship on Elder Abuse (March 2006)
Compulsive Hoarding - Self-Neglect: An Update of the Literature (December 2005)
Compulsive Hoarding - A Form of Self-Neglect (December 2005)
Informal Caregiving for Dependent Elders: The Association with Elder Abuse, Neglect, and the Well-Being of Older Individuals (December 2005)
Guardianship and other Legal Protections of Vulnerable Adults (September 2005)
Identifying Elder Abuse: Tools Techniques and Guidelines for Screening and Assessment (August 2005)
The Scope of Elder Abuse (May 2005)
The Role and Impact of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman (March 2005)
2003-2004 Year in Review: Research & Scholarship
An annotated bibliography of published works July 2003-July 2004
(January 2005)
Ethical concerns in Addressing Elder Abuse — Respecting Autonomy and Self-Determination While Providing Protection (December 2004)
Substance Abuse (December 2004)
Elder Sexual Abuse (December 2004)
Depression, Anxiety and other Mental Health Concerns: Risk Factors for Elder Abuse and Neglect (June 2004)
Dementia: A Supplement to the CANE Annotated Bibliography of October 2000 An up-to-date, expanded bibliography and reference. (May 2004, 13 pp)
Financial Abuse, Undue Influence, Scams, Frauds and Protection of Assets (November 2003, 18 pp)
Elder Abuse and Neglect Research Published and Entered From August 2002-June 2003 (November 2003, 18 pp)
The Health Care System: Addressing Elder Mistreatment (July 2003, 13 pp)
Addressing the Needs of Older Battered Women, With Special Emphasis on Intimate Partner Violence (annotated bibliography) (2003, 21 pp)
Cultural Issues in Elder Abuse (annotated bibiography) (2002, 19 pp)
Elder Abuse -- A Global Issue (annotated bibiography) (2002, 29 pp)
Works of Rosalie S. Wolf (annotated bibiography) (2002, 18 pp)
Self-Neglect (annotated bibiography) (2001, 8 pp)
Caregiving (annotated bibiography) (2001, 24 pp)
Elder Abuse and Mental Health/Alzheimer's Disease/Dementia (annotated bibliography) (2000, 8 pp)
Intergenerational Issues Relating to Family Violence (annotated bibliography) (2000, 9 pp)

Clearinghouse on Abuse and Neglect of the Elderly (CANE)
Department of Consumer Studies and Research
University of Delaware
297 Graham Hall
Newark, DE 19716
(302) 831-3525


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Last Modified: 8/26/2008 12:32:54 PM 
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