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Linking Environmental Agents & Autoimmune Diseases

A workshop hosted by: The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
September 1 - 3, 1998
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together immunologists, developmental biologists, autoimmune specialists, epidemiologists, molecular biologists and toxicologists in order to define the state of the art, data gaps, and future directions/research needed to understand the mechanistic link and importance of environmental agents in the initiation and exacerbation of the various forms of autoimmune diseases.

There are over 80 autoimmune diseases affecting 10 million Americans. These diseases are influenced by multiple factors including genetics, age, gender, reproductive status, hormones, and environmental agents (e.g. metals, solvents, pesticides). Low levels of some environmental agents during development lead to alterations in the immune system that may predispose it to the development of autoimmune disease.

Recent advances in our understanding of genetics, endocrinology, endocrine disrupters, and the development and function of the immune system make this an ideal time to determine the role and interaction of genetic susceptibility and environmental exposures in the etiology of these diseases.


  • Define the usefulness/limitation/validation of current models and stimulate development of new models
  • Identify environmental chemicals with known or with the potential to cause autoimmune disease
  • Explore the interaction between genetics and environmental influences on autoimmune diseases
  • Identify the available and new biomarkers needed to distinguish the onset of autoimmunity
  • Examine the importance of developmental vs. adult exposure to environmental agents in the induction of autoimmune diseases
  • Identify common threads between different types of autoimmune diseases
  • Define data gaps/research needs

Poster Session: Call For Abstracts

Researchers with new results in areas of autoimmunity are encouraged to submit abstracts for poster presentation at the meeting.

Abstracts must be on a plain single page (1" margins, font size >12 point) and include:

  • Title
  • Name of Presenter (first author)
  • Institutional Affiliation

Abstracts will be bound and given to all attendees. The Deadline for Submission is July 14, 1998.

Travel Awards

A limited number of travel awards of $700.00 will be made to young investigators who submit an abstract. Awards will be made based on the scientific merit of the research submitted and its relevance to the goals of the meeting. To be eligible, please include a brief cover letter indicating current position and research interests with abstract. Awardees will be notified by July 24.


There is no registration fee for this meeting. The meeting will be limited to a maximum of 125 attendees on a first come-first served basis. Thus, preregistration is required and early preregistration is encouraged.


The meeting will be held on the NIEHS campus in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. We have reserved a block of rooms at the Doubletree Guest Suites, 2515 Meridian Parkway, Durham, NC. The rate will be $96.00 plus tax. The hotel phone number is 919-361-4660.

You must make your own hotel reservations and mention this meeting to get the preferred rate. Reservations must be made by August 1, 1998.

Reservations made after this date will be accommodated by the hotel on a space available basis and may not be at the preferred rate. A valid registration should include a hotel reservation unless other accommodations are noted on the registration.


To register, please send the following information:

Name, Organization, Address, Phone and Fax numbers, E-mail address, and note if you plan to send an abstract for the poster session or wish to be considered for a young investigator travel award. Please address the above registration information and other inquiries to:

Jerrold J. Heindel, Ph.D.
P.O. Box 12233 (MD K3-15)
RTP, NC 27709
Tel (919)541-0781
Fax (919)541-5064

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