Climate Information


The climate information on this page is PRELIMINARY (unofficial). CERTIFIED, OFFICIAL climate data is available from the National Climatic Data Center or from the Midwestern Regional Climate Center.  For questions regarding climate information on this page,  E-mail our Webmaster, or call our public service line at 217-732-3089 (weekdays, 8:30 am - 4:00 pm).

72 Hour Observation Archive

An archive of airport observations from around central and southeast Illinois is available.  This archive covers the 72 hour period preceding the current time.

Some caveats about this data:

  • This data has not been quality controlled, and should be considered preliminary.  CERTIFIED climate data is available from one of the centers listed above.

  • Lack of data for a period of time may be the result of a communications failure, and the observations may still be available from one of the centers above.

  • Weather described as "fair" means that no clouds were observed below 12,000 feet.  This is a limitation of all automated stations, which make up all observations in the list below.

  • Sky conditions give the general state of the sky, and the height of each cloud layer.  Heights are given in hundreds of feet (e.g. 120 is 12,000 ft; 012 is 1,200 ft., 001 is 100 ft.).  State of the sky is divided into SKC (sky clear), CLR (clear below 12,000 ft), FEW (2/8 or less cloud cover up to that height), SCT (3/8 through 4/8 of cloud cover up to that height), BKN (5/8 through 7/8 of cloud cover up to that height), OVC (sky cloudy), and VV (vertical visibility -- clouds obscured by precipitation or obstructions to vision).

  • Weather "in the vicinity" indicates within 5 to 10 miles of the station.


Official climatological stations:

Other airport observations:

  • NOAA National Weather Service
  • Central Illinois Weather Forecast Office
  • 1362 State Route 10
  • Lincoln, IL 62656
  • 217-732-3089 (8:30 am to 4 pm weekdays)
  • Page Author: ILX Webmaster
  • Web Master's E-mail:
  • Page last modified: 18-Oct-2007 2:38 PM UTC is the U.S. government's official web portal to all federal, state and local government web resources and services.