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Conference Agenda

SBRP Annual Meeting Research Translation and Megasites
January 12-13, 2006, The New York Academy of Medicine, New York, New York

Annual Meeting Agenda

Thursday, January 12

8:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 Welcome
Jeremiah Barondess, M.D., New York Academy of Medicine
Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., M.Sc., Mount Sinai School of Medicine
William Suk, Ph.D., National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
9:00 Opening Address
"Perspective on the SBRP: Past and Future"
Samuel H. Wilson, M.D., National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
9:30 Keynote Address
"Molecular Mechanisms of Multistage Carcinogenesis: Relevance to the Mission of the NIEHS Superfund"
I. Bernard Weinstein, M.D., Columbia University
10:15 Break
10:40 Session One. Megasites in Region 2: Overview and Geochemistry
Moderator: Richard Bopp, Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
"EPA and Megasites" ( Download Adobe Reader (152KB)
Betsy Southerland, Ph.D., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
"Connecting the Upper Hudson Basin and the Western Harbor" ( Download Adobe Reader (2.1MB)
Richard Bopp, Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
"Hydrogeological Investigations at Pump and Treat Superfund Sites" ( Download Adobe Reader (1.5MB)
Martin Stute, Ph.D., Barnard College
"Contaminant Transport Modeling" ( Download Adobe Reader (1.6MB)
Kevin J. Farley, Ph.D., Manhattan College
"Iron (II)-Catalyzed Oxidation of Arsenic(III) in a Sediment Column" ( Download Adobe Reader (155KB)
Kevin J. Rader, University of Delaware
12:10 Session One Discussion
12:30 Lunch
Student Lunch with Program Directors
1:30 Session Two. Molecular Biology and Megasites
Moderator: Max Costa, Ph.D., New York University
"Role of Inflammation in Chemical Carcinogenesis"
Michael Karin, Ph.D., UC San Diego
"Arsenic as a Carcinogenic Enhancer"
Toby G. Rossman, Ph.D., New York University
"Chromate and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Interactions" ( Download Adobe Reader (612KB)
Alvaro Puga, Ph.D., University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
"Hypoxia Signaling in Nickel Carcinogenesis" ( Download Adobe Reader (2.2MB)
Max Costa, Ph.D., New York University
"CYP1A1-GFP Transgenic Mouse Model: Fluorescent Biomarker of Toxicant Exposure"
Theresa Operana, University of California, San Diego
3:00 Session Two Discussion
3:30 Poster Session and Reception
5:00 Adjourn
6:00 Director's Dinner
"The Budget Outlook for 2006 and Beyond"
David Mallino, Mallino Government Relations, Washington, D.C.

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Friday, January 13

8:00 Continental Breakfast
8:30 Session Three. Epidemiology, Vulnerable Populations and the Implications for Public Health
Moderator: Joseph Graziano, Ph.D., Columbia University
"Molecular Epidemiology of Arsenic and Bladder Cancer" ( Download Adobe Reader (460KB)
Karl Kelsey, PhD, Harvard University
"Environmental Risk Factors for Parkinson's Disease" ( Download Adobe Reader (662KB)
Harvey Checkoway, Ph.D., University of Washington
"Exposure Levels of Chlorinated Compounds in Urban Anglers" ( Download Adobe Reader (748KB)
Kimberly Morland, Ph.D., Mount Sinai School of Medicine
"The Northern California Childhood Leukemia Study: 10 Years of Experience in Environmental and Genetic Epidemiology" ( Download Adobe Reader (3.4MB)
Catherine Metayer, M.D., Ph.D., UC Berkeley School of Public Health
"Molecular Epidemiology and Prevention of Health Effects of Arsenic: A Multidisciplinary Approach" ( Download Adobe Reader (480KB)
Habibul Ahsan, M.D., M.Med.Sc., Columbia University
"Folate and Arsenic Metabolism: A Double-blind Placebo Controlled Folate Supplementation Trial in Bangladesh" ( Download Adobe Reader (152KB)
J. Richard Pilsner, Columbia University
10:30 Session Three Discussion
10:50 Break
11:10 Session Four. Exposure Assessment and Site Characterization
Moderator: Dominic Di Toro, Ph.D., University of Delaware
"Intellectual Approach to the Problems of Megasites" ( Download Adobe Reader (4.3MB)
David Tollerud, M.D., University of Louisville
"Statistical Considerations in Characterization of Megasites"
Louise Ryan, Ph.D., Harvard University
"Modern Sediment Quality Criteria for Metals and Applications to Superfund Sites" ( Download Adobe Reader (775KB)
Dominic Di Toro, Ph.D., University of Delaware
"Pb Accumulation and Effects in Deer Mice: Competition and Antagonism by Co-Occurring Essential Metals in Lab and Field Studies" ( Download Adobe Reader (1.1MB)
Tobias J. McBride, Texas Tech University
12:20 Session Four Discussion
12:30 Lunch
"Karen Wetterhahn Memorial Award Presentation"
Presenter: Anne P. Sassaman, Ph.D., Director, NIEHS Division of Extramural Research and Training
"Monomethylarsonous Acid Transforms Human Bladder Cells"
Tiffany G. Bredfeldt, University of Arizona
2:00 Session Five. Research Translation and Policy Development
Moderator: Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., Mount Sinai School of Medicine
"Special Recognition, Dr. Milt Gordon" ( Download Adobe Reader (950KB)
David L. Eaton, Ph.D., University of Washington
"The NIEHS Katrina/Rita Response Portal" ( Download Adobe Reader (30.5MB)
Mark Ellisman, Ph.D., UC San Diego
Marie Lynn Miranda, Ph.D., Duke University
"Research Translation: What Does That Mean?"
David Ozonoff, Ph.D., Boston University
"Environmental Health Literacy: Can the Public Be Healthy Without It?" ( Download Adobe Reader (1.5MB)
Christina Zarcadoolas, Ph.D., Mount Sinai School of Medicine
3:10 Session Five Discussion
3:30 Adjourn

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