Argonne National Laboratory Explorer Magazine U.S. Department of Energy

About Explorer

Explorer is published by the Communications and Public Affairs Division at Argonne National Laboratory and is part of Argonne's public information effort. Argonne, the nation's oldest national laboratory, is operated by The University of Chicago as part of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science national laboratory system.

As a multidisciplinary laboratory, Argonne has a number of national missions — basic science, energy resources, environmental stewardship and national security. Argonne researchers hold more than 750 patents, and technologies developed at Argonne are being licensed by private enterprise. In addition, Argonne works not only with the U.S. Department of Energy but with other federal and state agencies, universities, institutions, companies and other national laboratories in collaboration at the forefront of science and technology.

Since Argonne's founding, the University of Chicago has managed and operated the laboratory under federal sponsorship. For the past decade, this sponsorship has been provided by the Department of Energy's Office of Science.

Argonne's mission is to advance the frontiers of knowledge, to create and operate important scientific user facilities and to provide innovative and effective approaches and solutions to energy, environmental and security challenges to national and global well-being.


Wildlife at Argonne

Argonne shares its 1500-acre site with an abundance of wildlife, including a small herd of European fallow deer. The deer are a holdover from pre-Argonne days when industrialist Erwin Freund had a 200-acre rustic retreat on the site southwest of Chicago.


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