Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

North Dakota Fisheries Investigations

Table 2

Table 2. Current list of rare North Dakota fish species.
Species Dakota Chapter-American Fish. Society Classification (Fishes of the Dakotas 1994) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Classification*
Lake Chubsucker Extirpated  
Lake Sturgeon Extirpated  
Pallid Sturgeon Endangered Endangered
Sicklefin Chub Endangered Candidate
Sturgeon Chub Threatened Candidate
Pugnose Shiner Threatened  
Blue Sucker SC1a  
Paddlefish SC1  
Flathead Chub SC1  
Pearl Dace SC1  
Northern Redbelly Dace SC1  
Western Silvery Minnow SC2b  
Silver Chub SC2  
Trout-Perch SC2  
River Darter Pc /SC1a  
Chestnut Lamprey P/SC1  
Central Stoneroller P/SC1  
Hornyhead Chub P/SC1  
Blacknose Shiner P/SC1  
Rosyface Shiner P/SC1  
Finescale Dace P/SC1  
Flathead Catfish Pc /SC2b  
Silver Lamprey P/SC2  
Yellow Bullhead P/SC2  
Log Perch P/SC2  
* The former Category 1, 2, & 3 classifications no longer exist.
a SC1 definition - Native species whose status is questioned due to suspected problems with abundance or distribution. Many of these species occupy habitats that were once fairly common.
b SC2 definition - Native species whose status is questioned due to limited and/or inconclusive historical citations.
c Peripheral - Native species with small or unknown populations whose breeding distribution or reproduction ability within the state is often severely limited by lack of suitable habitat and/or climate. These species have not had an appreciably more widespread distribution in the recent past.

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