Last Update: 02/25/2009 Printer Friendly Printer Friendly   Email This Page Email This Page  

Epidemiology (EPI) Branch
The mission of the Epidemiology Branch includes research, professional service, and training. With regard to its research mission, the Branch conducts epidemiologic research focusing on reproductive, perinatal, and pediatric health endpoints to identify underlying etiologic mechanisms, at-risk subgroups, and interventions aimed at diagnosing or treating disease. Research initiatives utilize state-of-the-art methodologies for empirical investigation.

The Branch provides service to the NIH community, other governmental agencies, academic and research institutions, professional societies, and the general public on issues relevant to the mission of the NICHD. The Branch also supports the NIH training mission by participating in the summer intern and intramural research training award programs.

View the Epidemiology Branch Postdoctoral Fellowship information (PDF 24 KB).

A group of doctors
Research Studies
Image of multi-colored petry dishes.
Child and Adolescent Behavior Studies
Child Growth and Development Studies
Childhood Injury Studies
Genetic Epidemiology Studies
Human Fecundity and Fertility Studies
Pregnancy Studies
Statistical Methods in Epidemiology
For More Information:
Funding Opportunities
News Releases
Research Resources
Contact Information:
Dr Germaine M Louis
Senior Investigator
6100 Executive Blvd Room 7B03, MSC 7510
Rockville, MD 20852
For FedEx use:
Rockville Md 20852
Phone: 301-496-6155
Fax: 301-402-2084