The Review Group requested and received detailed data on the history, budget, and operations of NCI=s developmental therapeutics efforts; heard testimony from a variety of NCI personnel; and solicited and received comments from some members of the extramural scientific community. The Review Group wishes to acknowledge the following individuals for their contributions to the review process. Their contributions are greatly appreciated.

James Allison, University of California, Berkeley
Michael Boyd, National Cancer Institute
Bruce Chabner, Massachusetts General Hospital
Jerry M. Collins, Food and Drug Administration
Renzo Canetta, Bristol Myers-Squibb
Gordon Cragg, National Cancer Institute
Steve Creekmore, National Cancer Institute
Merill Egorin, University of Maryland
David Eisenberg, University of California, Los Angeles
Phil Greenberg, University of Washington School of Medicine
Russell Hirsch, General Partner, Mayfield Fund
Melinda Hollingshead, National Cancer Institute
Tyler Jacks, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Randy Johnson, Smith-Kline Beecham
Ron Levy, Stanford University
Ven Narayanan, National Cancer Institute
Kenneth Paull, National Cancer Institute
Homer Pearce, Eli Lilly
Alan Sartorelli, Yale University
Edward Sausville, National Cancer Institute
Frank Sirotnak, Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Robert Tjian, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of California, Berkeley
Joseph Tomaszewski, National Cancer Institute
J. Ernest Villafranca, Agouron Pharmaceuticals
B. Rao Vishnuvajjalla, National Cancer Institute
Daniel Von Hoff, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
James Wells, Genentech, Inc.
Robert Wittes, National Cancer Institute
Mary Wolpert, National Cancer Institute
Daniel Zaharevitz, National Cancer Institute