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Science Features

Science Features are a great way to find out about the science activities conducted at the FORT both in the past and today. Written in plain english, science features highlight the exciting work conducted everyday by FORT Scientists.

White-nose Syndrome Threatens the Survival of Hibernating Bats in North America

Photo of a bat with white-nose syndrome.

During the winter of 2006/2007, an affliction of unknown origin dubbed “White-Nose Syndrome” (WNS) began devastating colonies of hibernating bats in a small area around Albany, New York. Since WNS emerged, a diverse group of scientists, resource managers, and conservation groups have worked diligently to establish its cause. USGS scientists are supporting the research needs of federal and state agencies as they respond to the developing situation.

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New Web Application Supports Reclamation Decision Making for the Jonah Natural Gas Field

Screen capture of JIO Application.

In order to balance the Nation’s energy needs with Federal and State mandates to conserve living resources, the Jonah Interagency Mitigation and Reclamation Office (JIO) was created to provide overall management of monitoring and mitigation activities related to gas exploration and development, both on and off the Jonah Field. To help the JIO efficiently track data and meet objectives, the FORT Web Applications Team developed the Jonah Infill Data Management System.

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