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 Walrus Research

Pacific Walrus International Database (PWID)

  PWID Manual

  PWID Metadata

  Contact manager

  Participating Organizations

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The Pacific Walrus International Database (PWID) is a comprehensive set of Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) biological data collected in the Bering and Chukchi Seas by several participating organizations. Data categories include: land and ice haulout counts, sex/age composition, reproduction, mortality, harvest statistics, and morphometry. At March 1999, the database references 33 data sets.

Each PWID data set is described by the metadata available on this web site. However, access to the actual data tables requires permission from the data set owner. Please read the Pacific Walrus International Database Manual for complete instructions on how to use the database.

Please contact your local database manager if you have data or metadata you wish to contribute to PWID. The manual describes data submission options and security procedures which prevent unauthorized use of PWID data.

Identical copies of the PWID are maintained by the Pacific Scientific Research Fisheries Center (TINRO), Magadan, Russia, and the Alaska Science Center (ASC), Anchorage, Alaska, USA. Please direct correspondence to your local database manager.


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