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Human DNA Polymerase Gamma Mutation Database

NIEHS — Mitochondrial DNA Replication Group

Human DNA polymerase is composed of two subunits, a 140 kDa catalytic subunit encoded by the POLG on chromosome 15q25, and a 55kDa accessory subunit encoded by the POLG2 gene on chromosome 17q23-24.

A number of mutations have been mapped to the gene for the catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase, POLG, and found to be associated with mitochondrial diseases.

This database lists all known mutations in the coding region of the POLG gene and describes the associated disease. This list is maintained by the Mitochondrial DNA Replication Group at NIEHS.

The nucleotide changes are numbered from the initiation Methionine codon and are based on the cDNA (accession U60325.1) and gene sequence (accession AF497906.1).

All inquiries, additions to the list, and comments should be made to Bill Copeland.

Alignment Document (284 KB)

Use the drop down box to select a mutation that you want to view more information about.

diagram of POLG mutations

Visual overview of the POLG mutations. Download larger view. (670 KB)

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