Overview: FY 2008 Emergency Operations Center Grant Program 

Release Date: June 13, 2008
Release Number: HQ-08-102Overview

FEMA Announces Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 Emergency Operations Centers Grant Program

Total Funding Available in FY 2008: $15,000,000

Purpose: The FY 2008 Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Grant Program is intended to improve emergency management and preparedness capabilities by supporting flexible, sustainable, secure, and interoperable EOCs with a focus on addressing identified deficiencies and needs. Fully capable emergency operations facilities at the State, local, and tribal levels are an essential element of a comprehensive national emergency management system and are necessary to ensure continuity of operations and continuity of government in major disasters caused by any hazard.

Eligible Applicants: The Governor of each State and Territory designated a State Administrative Agency (SAA) to apply for and administer funds under the EOC. The State Administrative Agency (SAA) of the 56 States/Territories may apply for funding for all eligible State, local, and tribal EOCs.

Application Evaluation: FEMA recognizes that each State, local, and tribal jurisdiction has unique needs. Construction and renovation projects will be selected based on how well they address the following criteria:

  1. State-identified priorities
  2. Quality of justification
  3. Preexisting planning

The SAA, in coordination with the State Emergency Management Agency, will review all State, local, and tribal EOC project applications to prioritize those projects. The State review will identify high, medium, and low priority projects based on State, local, and tribal priorities and needs to ensure coordinated statewide efforts. A national review panel, to include FEMA headquarters and regional staff, and peer subject matter experts, will conduct a final review of State-prioritized projects to determine funding allocations.

Program Allowability: In FY 2008, EOC Grant Program funds may only be expended for EOC construction and renovation costs; planning costs to support such activities; management and administrative costs; and limited EOC equipment costs. EOC Grant Program funds may not be spent towards organization, training, or exercises costs.

Program Awards: Each State, local, or tribal EOC may request funding for only one construction or renovation project. “Construction” is defined in this program as changing the footprint of a facility, while “renovation” is considered any internal improvement only to an existing center. EOCs may request up to $1,000,000 for construction projects and up to $250,000 for renovation projects through the FY 2008 EOC Grant Program. Construction and renovation projects selected for funding will receive the full amount requested.

Last Modified: Friday, 13-Jun-2008 17:55:58