National Library of Medicine - Medical Subject Headings

2007 MeSH

MeSH Qualifier Data

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Record TypeQ
Entry VersionCONGEN
Scope NoteUsed with disease headings to indicate those conditions existing at, and usually before, birth. It excludes morphologic abnormalities and birth injuries, for which "abnormalities" and "injuries" are used.
Annotationsubhead only; diseases existing at or before birth; not for structural abnormalities ( = / abnormalities) nor for birth injuries ( = / injuries); indexing policy: Manual 19.8.18; DF: /congen or /CN
Online Notesearch policy: Online Manual; use: main heading/CN or CN (SH) or SUBS APPLY CN
History Note66
Entry Termconnatal
Date of Entry19731227
Revision Date20030722
Date Established19660101
Unique IDQ000151

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