Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

A Survey of the Herpetofauna of the Comanche National Grasslands in Southeastern Colorado

Appendix 7:

Photographs of selected habitat and species of amphibians and
reptiles observered during the 1995-1997 field seasons

JPG -- Western hognose snake
Western hognose snake (Heterodon nasicus nasicus). Hognose snakes are common in shortgrass prairie habitat, and prefer toads as prey, particularly spadefoots. However, small rodents are also taken. Note the large upturned rostral scale, characteristic of this species.
JPG -- Hognose in the death-feigning position
Death-feigning position of western hognose snake. After attempting a threat display (hissing, striking with mouth closed), hognose snakes will often "play dead"; this tactic may allow them to escape from a canid predator carrying them off, as the predator may not be particularly vigilant about a "dead" snake.

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