Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

A Survey of the Herpetofauna of the Comanche National Grasslands in Southeastern Colorado

Appendix 7:

Photographs of selected habitat and species of amphibians and
reptiles observered during the 1995-1997 field seasons

JPG -- Rocky bluffs of Cottonwood Canyon
Rocky bluffs of Cottonwood Canyon, from the canyon floor. The bluffs provide refuge for many species such as red-spotted toads, fence lizards, collard lizards, blind snakes, night snakes, king snakes, blackhead snakes, ground snakes and prairie rattlesnakes.
JPG -- Pool on stream in Cottonwood Canyon
Pool on stream in Cottonwood Canyon. These pools provide habitat for plains leopard frogs, introduced bullfrogs, narrowmouth frogs (some areas), canyon treefrogs (likely; not found), softshell turtles, yellow mud turtles (likely; not found) and several species of garter snakes. In addtion, shallows are utilized for breeding by many species of amphibians.

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